Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A quickie: Baclofen

Recently my dad went through some pretty painful injections to help his back and sciatic nerve. He has battle so many sores and stuff and he is a pretty dang hard worker so his body suffers a bit. I was dropping off some stuff ( and they both need some baby Grayson kisses and smiles) and we were sitting in the office. The nurse/worker said that they were giving him some muscle relaxers to help him a little bit more at night. Being the nosey girl I am wanted to know what he was getting and how much.

Baclofen 10 mg once a day. Should help him feel better.

While living in Arizona, Dallas was seeing a rehabilitation ( physiatrist) for the pain in his neck. He couldn't get relief at all with what they were doing and so we were doing pain management with muscle relaxers and stuff. He was given a muscle relaxer.

Baclofen 10 mg once a day.

Little itty bitty baby Tyler. Has cerebral palsy. He is just a tiny little guy. Not even 40 pounds yet. He doesn't ever complain of anything and rarely shows on that there is any discomfort. Required to take muscle relaxers. Gets shots every six weeks to help loosen his legs up. Medicine every night.

Baclofen 1o mg 4 times a day... 40 MG for a little under 40 pound kid. Grandpa 10 mg and 200 pounds. Dallas 10 MG! SERIOUSLY.

So for those who think he JUST has Cerebral palsy. He has it. And it hurts. It hurts his poor body a lot. He is in pain, every single day.

For a side note: Tyler as walking in the front room and he fell down because of his cerebral palsy. He hit his face on a basket and gave himself a nice shiner. When I said dang it. That stinking cerebral palsy. And reached down to give him lots of kisses he said " mom I have terrible palsy."

He is 5 and he hates terrible palsy

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom

Yep. I turned the BIG 31! I vaguely remember when my mom was in her thirties. I thought in high school 30 was OLD. Well, I don't think that any more.

We started my birthday out with Sunday dinner ( the Sunday before my birthday) at Dallas' parents house. It was a great time and the cake was delicious. We had told Tyler throughout the week it was my birthday and he as stoked to be able to yell surprise and have it actually BE a birthday.

Friday as my actual birthday. I got a new dress and I got a new hair cut and contacts. I have been having some personal issues the last few weeks and this has helped tremendously. Dallas also sent me some amazing flowers and a card that turned on the water works. I love the boys SO much.

Friday for lunch D brought me and Ty some cafe rio. Not so sure Grayson liked it as much as Tyler and I did but we ate it anyway. I cleaned like a mad women because we didn't communicate well and thought we would be having a sitter at our house. We ended up taking him to the sitters but before taking them we ended up having to take the boys into the pediatricians. Everyone ended up with a weird rash.

While I was gone D finished cleaning up the living room. It was the BEST part of my birthday. Having a clean house like that makes it so nice. We headed off to dinner. D's parents offered to take Tyler but we took Grayson with us. ( Though my sister offered to hold him.. I mean watch him. She had to work though) We were headed to Charlie Chows but ended up changing our mind and going to Braza Grill. It was so good.

A late night out for all of us and Ty slept in the next morning. I spent the Saturday afternoon with my dads sisters. They are so much fun to be around. I can't wait to spend next Monday with them.

So Happy Birthday to me. I guess MAYBE I can find a photo of my new hair cut. Might be next week when we get to bless our sweet baby!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Speech Evaluation

Since getting disability and starting back on the band wagon we got a private speech evaluation so we could start private speech. No speech evaluation is the same. This evaluation along with the last one used the same test but this time he was able to get the "older" test.

We started the test with Miss A and he did really well. This was the first time that I had seen him actually listen to what they were asking and then try to answer correctly. The hardest part is when Tyler doesn't know the answer but wants to answer right and looks at me with these longing eyes. He wants to be right. He wants to make me and Miss A happy. I was happy to see how well he did but it broke my heart that he just couldn't do some things. I was also happy to see that positive reinforcement by Miss A was made.

Ty is very much not speaking as a 6 year old. He qualifies for 2 sessions a week but will probably only get one because of how funny insurance is. But he is getting more than we were getting at Shriner's and I am so thankful.

So speech is set up. That makes 2 therapies. OT Evaluation will be in a few weeks.

Welcome back.. right?

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fertile in our Faith

Right after I had Grayson Ty and I needed to get out of the house and I was itching for a good church book to read. I haven't had the desire to read any kind of church book for a LONG time. I had wanted to get a different book but was looking around the store and found this one.

Fertile in Our Faith is written by Krista Ralston Oakes. It felt strange buying a book on dealing with infertility with a brand new baby on my arm, but I did and I really felt like I needed to read it. By the first chapter I was in tears.

Though I do have a baby and I had a wonderful pregnancy and such a different experience there is still some sadness. The sadness is hard to put my finger on. Grayson and his birth and pregnancy truly gave me some closure and healed some things that were really hard. But I think realizing that there is not going to be, more for many reasons, and what we had to deal with before getting Grayson is still raw. Those feelings, I really think are only understood by those going through infertility, pregnancy loss or something similar. I must add, I feel like a pregnancy loss, though not through a death or miscarriage or still birth, having a preemie and a pretty much full term pregnancy, I can tell you I had a pregnancy loss.

So many things stuck out in this book so I am sure there will be a few blogs about it. The first chapter explained fertility or lack of fertility. And then touched on a few things about and answered some questions about how you can feel like a failure in a church that focuses on family.

One chapter really hit home. It was being thankful for what you have had and not what you lost. To focus on a different aspect of it. A favorite thought was when you hold a child never be the first to release, always wait. Wait for the child to stop the hug. Then you know they got what they needed. They likened that to fertility and loss. That is where it got me thinking. Do I really wait to release the hug? When it comes to Tyler I do. But I wasn't with Grayson. Because our experience was so different I feel that Grayson is stronger in so many ways. That he doesn't need me as much and that I don't have to fight so hard to keep him here. I just had to fight to GET him here.

Then on a sad night a few weeks ago, when I wasn't feeling very good about myself and was feeling sad and unwanted, I realized that they both need me to wait. To not let go of the hug. That not only would it help me, but would help them. That it would heal.

The last few weeks I have longed for getting back to church, feeling so many things that I know are right. But for showing my Heavenly Father that I am very thankful for the boys. For being able to get through a hard time. In hopes that I learned what I needed that I was able to have Grayson and in turn realize just how much I needed him.

Every day, when I get a hug, I think I will wait. Wait just a little longer and let them let go. My Heavenly Father waits......

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Meet the Teacher

Everyone started school this week.

But Tyler......

Ok, but the whole school district's kindergartners. He didn't care much UNTIL the bus came to make their route and get times. I took him out to met the drivers and he climbed on, sat down in a seat and when we tried to get him out he cried and cried and cried.

As I got him off the bus he told me that he was so sad because he wanted to go to "cool." He was devastated. I carried him in the house and he sobbed and sobbed. He said he wanted to go see Miss Melanie ( his teacher) and that he was suppose to ride the bus to "cool." That his note told him he could ride the bus.

Wednesday was our day to meet Miss Melanie. She needed to do some testing and see where he was and see how much of our day would be in the transitional kindergarten and how much would be in the traditional. Ty did really well and will be spending most of his social time in the regular class. He will also be in for a few other subjects as well.

Ty did a great job with his letters and numbers. I was glad that he did so well. He is funny and had everyone in there laughing ( as usual) and he was ready to stay and be at school. We headed to the office to sign papers and fill out regular registration papers. This is always an ordeal when we have to hand over a birth certificate. I always get asked if his weight is a typo.

After papers we went to the store. Ty was so upset that we couldn't go to the merry go round. He thought we were going to go see a merry go round. Poor kid, just can't catch a break. I mean really.. A merry go round.

School is going to be good for Ty this year. He will have all the therapy he can at school and we are making some major changes to his braille options. We will be keeping the therapy private as well. He really needs the PT. Poor kid.

As the mom: I can't wait for a routine and only one kid to drag to the grocery store.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We are back on the wagon

We fell off the wagon. It wasn't a tough fall and frankly didn't hurt much either. It was a relief actually. But now that we are starting school and we are looking for a way better routine we are back on the wagon.

We had our first PT evaluation since getting disability for Tyler. Disability for Ty is amazing. AMAZING. First, we don't have to worry about him being covered. Second, we don't have to worry about his therapy because we don't have to come up with the 20 percent. I never in my life wanted to base care on what we could afford. I figured I would personally go bankrupt before I did that. Well, I am personally bankrupt. Personally meaning everything is under my name and it is showing up as REALLY bad on my credit. Now that isn't an issue.

After not loving our therapist that we were driving 2 times a week 50 miles for a grand total of 80 minutes of therapy I decided that we would do more activities at home, going out and playing with kids and just taking a break. Then we found out we were going to have Brother. We had a nice break.

After our Phenol shots in July I signed us back up at a closer facility. The PT there is amazing with Tyler. The last PT Ty cried through the WHOLE session. Those that know him know he doesn't really cry. But he hated it. I hated it. This one ROCKED. Ty never stopped talking, let the guy ( Ben) do anything and everything he needed.

Over all Ty did really well. No one knows how the heck he stands and functions. How he stays on his feet is a medical mystery. Ben doesn't think bracing is a good idea and would prefer just shoe inserts ( THANK YOU! We have been saying this for years!) and thinks that the baclofen trial might be a wonderful idea.

We will be on the schedule once a week for several months.

Today was our Speech evaluation. We will know more how it went in a week. In 2 weeks we have our OT evaluation we will most likely be once a week. So we are back to 3 times a week!

Welcome to the therapy band wagon....YAY cerebral palsy!~

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Consideration and Validation

I have been thinking of these 2 words for a long time. At first I didn't think they went together. But the last 3 months I have realized they do go together.

A wise stuffed Bear once said "A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference." Winnie the Pooh

A stuffed bear had a good point. Several really. Tonight my feelings are very hurt. So hurt that I have wondered what I did wrong? Like I feel I need validation all because consideration wasn't given to me.

Since having Tyler I have tried to reach out to others. I have tried to be open and honest in our blog and at support groups about the trials we face. It was done for me. I met a wonderful women named Stacy. We are still friends today. She was honest. BRUTALLY honest about what we were facing and I appreciated that.

As stuff came up with Tyler I never thought I would deal with she was right there. She Validates my feelings and never dismisses them as weird, inferior or the likes. She validates me even though her situation is not near as grim as ours.

When something goes wrong most people just want someone else to show some consideration and give them validation. A simple. " Oh no that is horrible. I can't imagine." Goes a long way when someone is not looking for a solution to a problem.

When something is exiting or new or something that has been anticipated for a LONG time and someone wants to show others their new "toy" they are looking for validation.

Our new toy is our sweet baby. We want everyone to be excited for us and come and oh and aww and drool over him. But since I know that is unrealistic, I take that into consideration. Those that do come are just being considerate and validating my feelings even if those are not the feelings they feel themselves.

Today that consideration for my feelings was taken from me. I felt horrible because I have given all the consideration and concern that I have felt towards their situation in genuine care. I was left feeling sad and that I don't matter and that I can be a doormat for those who feel they are superior to me, when in fact, those who treat others that way are not.

I was sad because they didn't take into consideration any of the groups feelings and became contentious. In 3 Nephi it tells us that the person who is contentious is not of our Heavenly Father. Which validates ME who was hurt.

All I want is for my family to be able to share an event with our family and those in our extended family that wants to come. The travel to get our children to us has been such a long hard road to get them here that we are proud of them.

Please be considerate. We will over more than the same back.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Bowling Alley

When Dallas went to New York Ty and I went to the bowling alley with my sisters kids. I wasn't sure how it would go so I wanted others to come to help him get excited. We called the "kids" and we stopped by and picked them up and headed in.

Tyler loved it. There was an arcade there and he loved that and really liked bowling. So much so that he hasn't really stopped talking about it when he asks ( like he does daily) "where are we going today?"

Since summer is winding down I called my sister and asked her if they wanted to come down and go to the jack and Jill bowling alley here. After they hit up their weekly trip to Seven peaks, they headed down to pick us up.

This bowling alley ROCKED. We bought our lane and game and headed into the arcade. Ty knew what he wanted to do. We threw the balls and then headed to the wheel of fortune game. Ty won the jackpot and ended up winning 250 tickets. He kept racking up the points and the tickets. At the end we got all the boys the same thing and gave the remainder of the tickets to Lexi.

Of to bowling we went. We ordered our pizza while we started and headed off to play. Tyler LOVES bowling. The last activity I have ever thought he would like. He likes it so much he doesn't really care it is his turn. So if someone isn't on their feet he picks up the ball and throws it down the lane. Even without one of those ramps he still sends the ball flying. Lucky for me, Tammy was there and she was nice enough to let me just watch and feed the baby. A few times she wasn't fast enough and Ty sent the ball rolling. With only a few frames left Koy was tired of playing so Tyler happily took his turn too!

When we were leaving he was crying because he wasn't done yet. He was so sad. When we walked outside he asked if he could go to grandma's house. He was melting down. He kept asking when he could go back and play. So we called grandma when we got home and he cried that he couldn't go to her house and couldn't go bowling.

I guess we will be adding that to stuff Ty loves to do. Next time I think I will just pay extra and give him his own lane so he doesn't have to share!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

{Hope Kids} : Thanksgiving Point- Dino museum

Tyler is a member of a organization that gives kids with disabilities and chronic conditions and cancer the chance to do things free of charge to families. They have wonderful activities and they are usually done where the kids are not exposed to many germs. This particular activity was sponsored by Ebay and Chick fil a.

We were let into the museum before general admissions. They are currently running a Motion room. Ty LOVED it.
Aunt Nicky was able to come with us because our Dad couldn't come. He had to work. So she was *FORCED* into carrying around Grayson.

Yeah he pretty much slept the whole time and she pretty much LOVED it. I am pretty sure she will own one of those wraps when she has kids. And I am pretty sure we love that he loves that wrap.

After the motion room we went over to the earth room. It walked you through the beginning of the dinosaurs. It had a star room where it was dark. We were walking through it and Ty was amazed at the "stars." It dawned on me that was probably the first time he had actually seen stars and has probably not seen any in real life. But as we were going through he said " Wow those stars are spooky!"

We went to dig for dinosaur bones and spent a little bit of time there. He loved it and was taking about finding the buried treasures. ( yep.. wrong era!) But he sure was a happy dude.
We went through to the other side and he was able to go walk through the gift shop. I told him he could pick one thing. He looked at a few things and even wanted a dinosaur. But all that was thwarted when he saw 2 turtles and a baby turtle. I did tell him only one thing but he was so excited about these turtles. He has been watching a Handy Manny about saving the turtles. He wanted to take the turtles back to the beach.

We ended the day with lunch and the storm troopers. A trip to the red store and a birthday party.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Scooter

Tyler has a scooter. We bought it at the beginning of the summer. We bought it before we had a loaner bike. He would take the neighborhood kids scooters and try so hard to use it but would fall over and not move at all. They only had 2 wheels. So we found a radio flyer with 3 wheels.

This particular scooter was different than the other 3 wheel ones because the double wheels were on the front. Not a huge deal but he had to stabilize a little. So we left the scooter in the house where he could "practice" and then when the time came to go play with the kids he was able to do it.. a little bit.

After Grayson was born we started taking daily scooter trips outside. After the morning feeds and breakfast, I will send Ty out to ride his scooter and play in the front yard. He loves it. He plays hard. One thing that I noticed though, was how hard he has to work to get the scooter to go.

He has learned a great deal about starting and stopping. He tends to stop by falling wherever he is. But he isn't hurt. He just pretends.
It takes so much effort for him to stay up and then to turn around and get up to the top. But he tries. He tries so hard. We love him for trying so hard.

Look at his toes. No matter what we do we can't get them to not drag. By the end of the morning we have blood, but no tears because he is so brave. ( we get blood in the house right now, we have a lovely pressure sore from our shoes.)

What makes my heart melt more than anything is how hard he tries and how hard he works. No kid should have to work that hard at doing something so great, as riding a scooter.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

School time, Bullies and Just Mean

When I was growing up school was always anticipated and we would get so excited for it to start. We spent the summer working to get our school clothes so we could buy what we wanted and we went shopping for new stuff. As we got older we got to go to the mall. I always thought that was the coolest thing. To know I got all my stuff from the mall. I still remember the dark blue guess jeans I HAD to have and I spent way to much money to have them.

Even when I went back to school some things never changed. I was never really popular ( I KNOW... SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!!) I had friends and I had some really great friends. I loved my high school group of friends and I adored my best friend Stephanie. ( who is due to have another sweet boy SOON!)

There were some kids that were teased HORRIBLY. Most of them had things "wrong" with them. One that I remember was teased to the point of cruel was John. I am pretty sure John passed away after high school. No one really knows for sure. But some mean stuff was done.

Last night I was watching the bachelor pad and the challenge was plain out CRUEL. They were throwing eggs at the people who they thought were the ugliest. It kind of made my skin crawl.

Add that to the man that decapitate his sons head and left it outside for the mom to find so she would " feel stupid" it really got my tears flowing. The little boy was mutilated. He also had cerebral palsy and his dad was "tired" of taking care of him.

I do not know what the future holds for us. But I am sending my sweet baby off to school. He is not " normal" by outside standards. He is "normal" for us. But he struggles. He has childish games he likes to play. He doesn't pretend play with others. He doesn't understand guns and war and Indians. Or start wars and start troopers. But he wants to belong. He wants to have friends. He wants to have other people be around him because he is him.

I guess I am asking if you are sending your kids off to school, teach them that there is different and that different isn't bad. That they have great things about them. To find the good and not the bad.

Monday, August 15, 2011

1 Month old.. baby Grayson

Can you believe that Grayson has been with us for a MONTH! What a month. We love him so much and are so thankful that he is here. There are some major adjusting going on in this house but none the less we are grateful for the blessing that he is.

At his "man" appointment he had gained a pound and a little more. Huge blessing for me to see the numbers going up. With Tyler I tried and tried to give him breast milk but it didn't really work. Not for lack of trying. I think the stress and the situation didn't help. But this time I was determined to feed this toot and a month into it and we have given him a few swigs of formula ( WHICH HE HATES and ends up gagging or over eating to spillage of vomit) but otherwise it is all me! ( he does get bottles but I pump. A lot. But I am actually GETTING stuff this time)

He as reflux. Poor kid is so sad some days. When we finally got 2 meds going he had cried himself hoarse. It was sad. Now he does really great and even better when someone is holding him... all day. Nights, are nights. He wakes up a lot and he eats and he goes to sleep. He cries a lot in the early mornings but I think I know why at this point and we will see what we can do.

Overall he is such a miracle and a blessing. After the struggle to actually get pregnant and the struggle we have staying pregnant, I can't even begin to express how much this little boy means to us. I thank my Heavenly Father Daily... and multiple times for both of the boys.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The EC fair

Now that Grayson had graced our household and Grandma and Grandpa Labrum had helped us so much over the summer that we would pay them a small visit. G and G LOVE having their grandkids down. They have such a love for their kids and grandkids that they can't wait to show them off. It worked well for Grayson, since he is a little needy. But most of all Ty LOVES it.
While dad was off to New York we did a few things with some of his cousins and he asked EVERYDAY after that if we could do it again. Finally, I told him about going to G and G's and that we could go to a parade and go fishing. He changed from asking about his cousins to asking if we were going to go to Grandma's house.
Saturday bright and early we headed up to Salt Lake to pick up and Nicky. She had a bad week and we needed a extra person to help us. She could use a little "hometown" stuff. So we took off.
We got there just in time for the parade to start. We were able to sit by my favorite kiddo's ( The Labrums) and my mom was able to enjoy the shade and a baby. Ty was able to enjoy the parade with Grandpa.
Ty was in heaven. He had so much fun. The parade is a typical small town one and he was spoiled ROTTEN with candy and stuff being thrown at him. He loved the girls and one float had a basketball hoop on the back. He stared walking down the street after them saying " Wait for me."
After the parade was over we headed down to the lamb fry and the park festivities. This year was an off year from the Castle Valley Pageant so the fair wasn't as busy with out of town people. I saw a lot of people from High School and people that I was able to reconnect with because of Facebook! While we were eating the Lamb a friend from Indiana/Orangeville walked by. I was so excited to see her. Her son had a stroke at birth or before birth, no one knows for sure. But he has some trials to overcome. His mom has been SUCH a huge support. Her husband was such a nice guy and her little dude is awesome. He is doing so well. It was nice to see her.
Soon after we headed home. My mom's sister came up with my cousin to see Mr. Grayson and Ty. It meant so much to me to have them make the effort. It meant more than I can even express. My Aunt Ruanne makes me laugh too. I am thankful they came. (Plus it is my Aunt Ruanne's birthday....) My grandma came up for a bit as well and she was hilarious. I miss her and it was great to see her there too. (Hopefully my moms other sisters will be able to see the baby. One lives up here and one lives in the EC but comes up often.. so I am sure I can give them directions :))
After they all left Tyler had his Dream come true and he got to go to a REAL hardware store. He called it Kelly's hardware store. I tried to explain that it was REALLY Pats hardware store but that pat wasn't really a hammer and it didn't make any sense to him!
We got a REALLY cool spider man pole that had a red fish on it. The handle lit up when it was cast. Ty had the best OT skills going on. He was able to reel in the red fish all on his own. He would catch red gooey fish over and over and be just as excited as the first.
Sadly the pole broke so Grandpa was going to take it back to the hardware store and get it fixed. Ty is super excited to get the working one back!
Over all we ( as in NOT me... and not Tyler) did catch 2 fish. One was Nicky's size and one was by Grandpa. Me and my mom hung out and she held a baby and I helped cast Ty's pole out. We were there for several hours and headed on home.
We drove home Sunday morning and enjoyed the rest of the day with our dad and a nice dinner that Dallas made. Did I mention he did housework :)
* Grandpa called this morning and was able to return and exchange said Pole. Ty might not get to play with it until he starts going on the potty. *
*And yep.. I am still fat. Enjoy that... Probably won't change but I have high hopes that it will.*

Friday, August 5, 2011

Vomit Volcano

Once upon a time in a far away place ( OK.. not so far away!) there was a Small mountain. It was not very big. It was the baby mountain. All it did was eat and sleep and poop.( Oh and cry... and did we mention cry and make noises.) Then one day the village people ( yes, the REAL village people) Realized that this volcano was going to erupt... and boy did it.

Grayson has reflux. Badly. The other day as we were trying to get the right meds in his body he literally cried all day. It made me so sad. Dallas was in New York, Ty was as good as he could be, but poor Baby was so sad.

It seems we have it under control. He is on 2 meds, zantac and prevacid, 2 times a day. It has stopped the crying after the vomit but not the vomit. He pukes a lot. Like just tip him over and let the puke roll off the bib amount.

He is doing great otherwise. I just wish I could fix the other stuff.

The volcano now just erupts.... with no burning acid... Just STUFF!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

New York

My husband is a GENIUS.

No really. He is a genius.

A computer genius. He is a web developer who has self taught how to program stuff for the Iphone and Ipad. He is really good at what he does. He loves coding for that kind of stuff. While it is all foreign to me, he is able to work contract jobs and his own stuff right now and is basically at home MOST of the time but he is working ALL the time.

He is very active on social network sites ( except facebook.. he thinks it is stupid) like twitter and has way to many geeky friends on there that do the same thing as him. We even send him to the Apple Conference. Which is a week long, in California with Geeks and Apple stuff. HEAVEN!

Recently, after starting to do contract work again and working from home he was in contact with someone who worked at The New York Times. They were interested in him and asked him to "come in" for an interview. He got all excited because he has never been and they were going to fly him out there for an interview.

He left on Tuesday and I went and got him Wednesday night. He had a wonderful time and got to see a few things. But most importantly his interview went well. We will hear what they have to say in a few days. Probably next week.

No worries. He didn't get mugged but he did invade the Disney store where he bought both boys Mickey mouse stuff. Ty loved it and was so excited to wear them to bed today.

Wish us well.... and wish us LOTS of money to be able to afford the living there!

A broken heart..... that can be fixed!

We had mentioned in a previous post that we needed to take Grayson to see a cardiologist. His pediatrician heard a murmur and couldn't tell what it was. It was not a PDA or a PFO which are all somewhat "normal" in babies. It didn't have us to worried. However, the family history did make it a little more concerning.

We were able to get into the cardiologist very quickly. ( 2 days!!) And we were able to get some really good information and figure out what exactly was there.

The Doctor was really nice and I felt he was really thorough. Ty doesn't see a cardiologist so I have no idea what is normal but I felt really comfortable what he was doing and what time he took to explain everything.

After listening to his heart he explained that Grayson has Peripheal Pulmonary stenosis. It isn't anything that will cause him major or long term issues. It is generally heard in babies that are smaller than seven pounds and after a few months the pulmonary vessel grows and gets larger and the murmur goes away! Unless there is a different genetic condition there isn't any long term issues. He doesn't have those genetic conditions.

While he was listening to his heart he heard a strange clicking noise and decided, given family history, he would like a ECHO done and we went in to do it. I think ECHO's are cool to watch and I have NO idea what I am looking at. I hate that the tech's can't say anything so I just sat there watching. Give me a brain to look at any day and I can tell you a little about what I see but not a heart.

(I sat waiting forever for the doc to come back in. Dallas was getting ready to fly to New York and we were cutting it close. Our appointment started at 8 and I wanted to be home to get him at 11. I didn't get home till 11:30)

When the doctor came in he said that Grayson looked fine. We need to go back in six months. The ECHO showed the stenosis and it showed a PFO but he couldn't hear the PFO so he is assuming that the click is just how Grayson is. The heart is doing great. He doesn't love the fact that he has a few other "symptoms" that indicate an issue but he can't see anything wrong.

I left feeling so thankful. Many prayers have been answered.

Next up... Vomit Volcano, New York and Tyler goes to school. ( In no particular order!)