Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Left Without A Voice

It's just after 12 and I rush downstairs to wait by the window.
My little dude is suppose to be home soon. He has NEVER gotten home after 12:10 in his whole preschool career.
I sit by the window watching.

The noon news ends and it is 12:30 and STILL no Tyler.
I call the school and the teacher says he has been put on the bus. Her part is done. Here is a number. I feel a lump rise in my throat and call the number. The rude lady on the other end gives me ANOTHER number.

Where are they? We live less than half a mile away from the school.

Something is wrong.

The lady gets back on and says that the bus had a few extra kids today and they are on their way.


FINALLY the yellow bus rolls up.

The bus Driver explains that a mom forgot to be there to pick up their kid. So they waited a little longer. Then went about their route. They were over by maverick ( not sure WHICH maverick there are 2 one CLEAR in town and one JUST up the street) and realized that they still had Tyler on the bus. So they finished what they were doing and brought him home.

Sorry... it wont happen again.... And the Aide pipes in... didn't you get my message?

No missed call on my cell phone.
AND I was ON my phone so no message on my machine like she claims.

Tyler ALWAYS sits right behind the bus driver. How can you FORGET? And you have a lady who's job it is to MAKE SURE all the kids are off the bus and safe.

It is your job.

Tyler is non verbal. He doesn't really "talk" He can't tell you what his name is. He can't tell you something is wrong. He can't tell you you forgot to take him home..And most importantly he can NOT tell ME that they hurt him.

He was on the bus for 45 minutes. MUCH longer than he NORMALLY is on that bus.

Panic. Fear and then worry. Replaced by a sense of relief that he was home.

But who do you go to? I waited till I was done being SOOO mad.
I called the district transportation. They apologized and said they were sure it was a sub. I assured them it was his real bus driver.

I feel mad.
I feel angry.
I feel mad at myself.

I feel sad.

How could I leave him without a voice?

My MOST prized possession in the WHOLE world was left without a voice



Shannon said...

I cannot even begin to imagine the terror you must've felt today. I'm glad Tyler is home safe and I do not blame you one little bit for being furious with everyone involved!

Amber said...

THAT IS AWFUL!!!!! I am SOOOO sorry that happened to you and Tyler!!! The bus driver should be much more aware of the children on their bus. You have every right to be upset. I hope it never happens again.

Nicky said...

This makes me so mad. NONE of my kids should be left like that!! Tyler can't verbally express his feelings, here he was stuck on a bus with people. This has had me so furious since you told me. Even worse that the bus aide has had problems in the past and it seems that nothing is being done. As Tyler calls me "ICKY" is just so mad!!

The Henrys said...

I am so sorry that this happened to Tyler and to you. This should not have happened if his regular driver and aide were there. It is too bad that the other kids were left without their parents picking them up, but they should have taken care of their regular route first.

I have heard these stories and have worried over Gracie's bus being late. Her bus system is very good, except when there is a sub. I have even had to chase her bus down the road when there was a sub bus driver. The thoughts that went through my mind as I watched the bus with my daughter on it just drive away, were crazy.

Charlotte said...

This happened to someone I know with her 3 year old deaf daughter only it was over 3 hours! They claimed the new bus driver got lost (it is a 1/2 drive to a special school), but there is no explanation as to why they wouldn't give her the right information when she called. Needless to say, she drives her herself now. I still get so mad when I think about it.