Sometimes I wonder if visiting in laws. outlaws and parents, or whatever you want to call them, is really considered a vacation. In order to go I feel like I have to overload our schedules to make sure that everything got done before we go. And sometimes things just happen to land on the week we are leaving, making it a busy busy week.
To add insult to injury I just spent 4.5 hours reading a online driving course that had many typos and tried to insert humor. It even spent the amount of time you spent on a page. So if you were a fast reader you had to entertain yourself for 1-3 minutes while the timer counted down.
Today was the first day to start off our week. Dallas has had insomnia for about 2 weeks now. His meds for his insomnia are apparently NOT working. I, being the very supportive wife I am, have taken full advantage of his early morning rising to sleep in. Why not ? He is only getting about 2 hours of sleep and is up around 4 am. Just in time for Tyler to wake up. You read right 4 am. SOMETHING has to be in the water in this house.
We got the jeep back for about 3 days last week and had to take it back. A few things weren't working right so we had to take it back. Normally that isn't such a huge deal but this week it is a huge huge deal.
Because Dallas and I are going to be going to different places for vacation ( yes you read that right as well) we have a lot to do to get each other ready to head off to two different places. And because of the above mentioned insomnia today was a good indicator of how busy the week will be.
Dallas started the day with Ty around 4 am. Dallas sent Ty back to bed and he woke for good around 6. Dallas was nice enough to stay up and feed, change and play with Ty. At around 8 Dallas came in and Ty and I leave for the morning. We checked my mail and played and read books. Woke up D to head to his docs appointment for new meds and we got ready for our busy afternoon.
I feed Tyler at noon and hope he eats fast enough for us to get out of the house one. We have to be out on time because this appointment is a beast to be late for. We leave at exactly 12:58. We have to travel to St. Joe's in downtown Phoenix. I am getting super good at finding my way to 7th street ( or is it ave) and we make it before 2.. barely. Only we find that our appointment isn't till 2:30. Given the drama we had last appointment I was fine with being early.
*side note* While waiting in the waiting room you run into a million people. Because of the type of doc it is the disabilities of the people are usually very apparent. Today a really cute mom who's daughter had severe CP went from patient to patient introducing herself and her daughter and touching ( which I cringe thanks to the NICU mom in me) and being so nice. She sat next to Ty and asked what his diagnosis is. I told her and she was so sweet. She said she would have had no idea. That it was obvious to her that we work hard with him. Ty looked up at her and smiled and then waved at the little girl and the mom tried to get this little girls hand opened and Ty reached up and took her hand and danced with her. It was super cute..What amazing spirits they all have. *
The appointment got us in around 2:40 and only lasted about 20 minutes and we were out the door, with new appointments for botox in the works. We head out to the parking lot and head home. We stop at the grocery store for dinner and head home.
Leaving at one, getting home at 5. Day one
Tomorrow we have Physical therapy, occupational therapy and music therapy. I have to take the rest of my driving test. And some time find a way to get BACK into the dentist. The root canal apparently doesn't work because my tooth is killing me.
Wednesday we are having to head back into the city with a prescription for titanium braces and smo's. And to make it to our new speech time. Dallas also goes into Scottsdale but we only have one car. And I need to make it into the chiropractor.
Thursday is kinda a lazier day. But is our anniversary. So with all our week busy busy we are hoping to get out and have a dinner or something before we embark on our vacations. Did I mention I have to pack for 2 and make sure #3 is all set to go before Ty and I leave the valley of the sun......
Oh it makes me tired.
But 3.5 days to go. Weather better stay lower than 100......
UTAH (and San Fran for D) here we come...
Very configurable.
If you're ever bored while you're here, or need to escape the parents (or whoever you're visiting) for a few hours, or you need someone to go to the zoo with you...give me a call. Or a text. Or whatever.
(801) 540-0539
I found your site through another premie site and I LOVE your pics and daily updates. I think you and Dallas are doing a great job with Tyler! On the site listed below, Jodi mentions a remedy for insomnia - just thought I'd send it your way. Kepp up the great work and enjoy your vacations!
Becky, Wichita KS
How long will you be in Utah? We are planning to come up at the end of the month, so Im pretty sure we will miss you
Ya steff we are only going to be there for a week.... boo
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