Since Monday was a Vacation day for most people we had Dallas not required to go to work at Paypal. It also made it so he was able to work more on his newest release. I LOVE having him home I just wish that he was able to get some sleep.
Tuesday I woke up with a migraine. They have been happening more and more, and I still have a small headache right now but nothing like it was. I am off all birth control options right now and think that all the hormones that I was suppressing for 4 years are catching up to me and I don't know how to deal with them. That and it is 100 degrees plus outside. So I have been babying a headache.
Wednesday was Tyler's last day of school. Since Dallas hasn't been sleeping and our son thinks that 5 am is a awesome wake up time Dallas and Tyler took off to Ihop for breakfast. Asked if I wanted to go but kindly declined to stay home, in bed.
I got him onto the bus after they got home but Dallas did all the hard work. I did get up and get going and went in search for a pool that I never found. And I had to go to the dentist to finish up my root canal. Not sure if the bite is right yet but better than a temp that didn't work. I really hate teeth and wish I had better ones.
I also stopped into his classroom to see how things were going at school. He played in the water, jabbered all day and seemed to have a good time. We are going into a different class next year. Not sure how I feel about it yet but I think it will be a better option than what he had this year.
We had speech yesterday and he is doing really well. He doesn't fall into any of the categories that were mentioned in the comments of my speech post. I asked a lot of questions this week. She said when he starts talking MORE then we can look at if he has apraxia of speech but right now we just can't tell. So we are going to keep working.
I have been trying to get DDD to approve his summer school but the paper work almost doesn't seem worth it. I have to get a few more things done. Plus 3 weeks all day m-f seems like a long time to me. Think of all the swimming he will miss.
Today, I have been nursing that same migraine. We got Dallas jeep back that I had crashed but there are still some major things wrong. Things like... Um the air conditioner. Along with a few more things. We will be taking it back sometime today.
Dallas is finally asleep and I don't want to wake him. Tyler and I are enjoying Barney and we even had ice cream for breakfast. ( I could waffles, and oatmeal 2 times this morning.) He has been SOOO good the last week.
Up for next week: A follow up with Dr. Kwasnica, a follow up for Brett, Pt, Ot, Speech and music, OUR ANNIVERSARY, and our trip to Utah. What a week...
Summer Here we come!
i agree, this week was a long week but it was a short work week! Can't wait for you guys to come up here!!!
Thanks for the tip - I was looking for something to use next week.
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