Monday, June 8, 2015


Getting Tyler home was so nice. The day we got him home, we were still figuring things out and Grandpa had to leave to go home to our grandma. We were saying our prayers for the night with Tyler and he was asking to please bless our "Creaky Grandma who is awesome and old." We all busted up a bit. Poor lady. She really does feel old.

Grandpa was sad to go, but Grayson was pretty sad too. He had Grandpa to himself a lot. Which we are SOOO thankful for. Home was where Tyler finally ate some food. We were worried about his food, but he did so much better at home.

The only big problem we faced at the beginning was some constipation issue with Tyler. So we mixed a lovely drink of Poo Pepper. Fortunately for me, Tyler and Grayson both consumed a large portion of mixed drink. Finally, after a trip to the pediatrician's in which Dr. Auxier just giggled and laughed like a school girl, and telling me good luck and to double the dose of Poo Pepper. He then laughed, brought in a LARGE bag full of chuck's pads and said I would need these and don't forget to double diaper.  HAHA to him. BOOOO

Learning to get around the house and the park and the car and the store is a HUGE chore. He doesn't want to do anything but play on the iPad. He is a happy camper to spend as much money as possible in the app store.

The first 2 days were hard on him and he kept trying to get up. He fell off his bed a few times and the couch as he tried to stand up. But there is nothing there to hold him up. He is a fast learner and a fish out of water :) 
My son has a problem. It's called #determination and #stubbornness and won't believe us that he can't walk. #ugh #cerebralpalsy  #broken #multilevelsurgery #strong
Grayson was just chilling waiting for me to come get the stink who got off his bed on his own .

Sorry it's terribly blurry but no pain meds for the entire day. Up in the big chair. Meds at night only. Wahoo #lovehim
And to sit in a big chair to get him off his bum. But he was a trooper. But he was still stubborn and would try and do what he wanted to do.

Getting out the door is almost a laughing on the floor joke. But we have done it a few time. It gets a bit easier but the whole wheel chair thing doesn't. 

We had our Speech and OT start back up and we need to take a bit of time and get the PT back here to work on our core strength. He has no core muscles and if we want him to have some now would  the time. 

So we are 2 weeks at home with recovery..... and we are still working out the kinks. 

But welcome home buddy! 

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