Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

Usually I am so on top of Halloween that we have Tyler's costume coming just after his birthday. This year, not so much. I can't believe how much the last year has taken a toll on me mentally and frankly I was exhausted from the drama of his birthday and some other issues to really want to deal with anything.

But a few weeks ago we went to the party store to check out costumes. We had been to the Spirit Halloween store but since I didn't want him to be a "mini pimp" ( seriously at the STORE they had a kid pimp costume!)I had to find something else. Thankfully, party land had costumes and Tyler and I went to figure out what he was gonna be for Halloween. I had a vampire or a pirate in mind but he chose what he wanted himself.

He decided that he wanted to be Thomas the train! I wanted to get him to try it on first before I spent the money so we walked around the party store in our costume looking for a Trick or Treat bag. He wore it, so we bought it.

This is where the "Special needs" come in. Because he has comes with sensory, understanding and the works "issues," we left his costume out where it was accessible from the time we bought it. We made a BIG deal out of his costume. We let him play with it when he wanted, put it on when he wanted and encouraged him to wear the hat. Then we did the buy Halloween movies, watch halloween movies and read LOTS of Halloween books. We knew he was getting some at school too.

We did the Pumpkin patch and really played up the Halloween, jack-o-lantern and pumpkin difference and Fall in general. He has LOVED all the leaf stuff at school and the preparation seemed to have worked.

Preschool morning he had a party ( on wednesday!) so he got his costume on before he went to school but decided he didn't want to wear it on the bus. ( Fine by me. I was worried he would trip!) I knew I would be coming to school so off he went!
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The " Morning" of school!

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I got to his class just after the party started and found him sitting waiting for the craft. Once I got there he pretty much was ready to just have mom. ( OH gee! Who knew!) He happily won musical chairs cause he is pretty much awesome like that! Then he was all done. Home we went!
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( playing musical chairs)

Friday we spent the afternoon ( literally) at PCMC. It was their parade day and trick or treat party so candy was being handed out left and right. We did our obligatory FOREVER wait and as soon as we could departed!! ( A HUGE post coming up about the CRAP we got there) Ty didn't want to wear his costume so we left before we had to listen to one more scream or wash our hands any more.

Saturday we spent the day making treats and tying to think of a way to get them to all the Aunts/cousins and decided that we weren't going to this holiday. We were a little over the idea and decided to forgo and eat the yummy stuff our self and let the rest go to waste. ( long LONG rant that MIGHT follow but you want the details.. email me!! Or find me on Facebook!)

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We Snacked on apples and finally got Tyler to try some Carmel dipping sauce. He wasn't to sure at first but liked the apples. When I got him to lick it he was OK with it. ( It was fat free, so stop judging...BUT the appointment on Friday.. they would have LIKED me to add FAT! boo)
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After the best dinner EVER we got us all ready to trick or treat. Dallas got Ty dressed and I tried to snap pictures but he kept telling us he was going to the " Big Halloween party" and wanted to go. We have worked on saying Thank you and trick or treat. But instead he got a little worried and was SOO stinking cute instead.

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After the street we live on we swung back by to "See" if Tyler was done and he was not! So he got some treats from Dad and off we went. We ended up going almost clear around the loop at our house. I was so thankful for Dallas who was able to make the "end" of the Halloween party easy. We told him that now everyone was coming to his house for the party and he was willing to come in and take a bath.

Then it was night for EVERYONE and he went to bed telling us it was the

* I am a very sarcastic person in real life. Please realize that I am not meaning anyone/thing/incident and have tried to put myself and my feelings into my own blog. Any issues I would love to hear from you at*


sweets said...

He is so cute! Chandler was Thomas to he loves him.

Shannon said...

He is SO ADORABLE! Sound like the perfect Halloween.

Unknown said...

He is adorable.. and looks like ya'll had a ball. I am glad he got to enjoy the holiday and wasn't overwhelmed YAY for preperation and planning