I am entering both categories this week. I am so excited to have an adult to enter. I have a million of Ty. So here is my entry for the kids entry.


Edited: )

And of course...I can't get them to fit right so please click to see the full thing.
b & w for sure
I like the color one :)
I like the black and white one.
PS Mike has those same pj's. They're cute. :)
My vote totally goes for the b&w! :) PRECIOUS!
I like the black & white one
Why did you make the decision SOOOO HARD to make???!!! They are both wonderful!!! I guess since I HAVE to make a choice I say the black and white one. What program do you use to edit your pictures???
Hi, Thanks for the comment on my blog. I am Norwegian so I did't understand what SOOC meant.. I don't know if it's an English word.. Could you explain? Thanks :o)
Ooops, sorry.. I was logged in with my personal blog.. This is the name of the blog you wrote a note on: lindahugo.blogspot.com.. Thanks! :)
Very sweet...I like both of them! Good luck in the contest!
I love it in black and white..timeless
Gorgeous!! His lashes....wow! And I love the B&W too.
Love the B&W.......so adorable!...
THey are both great shots!
Super cute picture!!
I like both!
Sweet photo!
A like the BW one. To me, the color distracts from the sweetness of the moment.
Have you tried a wider, lighter vignette? (Still black, but not as dense?) It might bring the focus to his face more, by darkening the lightest part of the photo (his ear/cheek/neck.) You might need to brighten it a little if you do that.
Gorgeous, shot, that one is a framer, for sure!
Great pic! I love it in black and white!
Looks good - I really like the B&W version!
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