Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday/special exposure

Now that I am doing the I heart faces contests I feel like there isn't a whole lot of updating but it has had me get my camera out and enjoy the moments in front of me. Some days it even makes me try to help create fun things so that Tyler and I are just doing.

Here is what a week of fun can do

Dallas took this on Saturday. Ty had a long week and he has really slowed down the last few days. I feel like he is coming down with something just not sure what yet. Mom is on the look out!!

I hope enjoy the Word Full Wednesday and special exposure. Please head over to my other blog and take a peek...


Maureen Hayes said...

This is such a beautiful photo! His lips are so full and look so cute while he sleeps. I hope he isn't coming down with anything though and is just tired from having so much fun.

My WW post is up at:


Happy WW!

Colleen said...

ahh he looks so sweet!

Nicky said...

good picture Dallas! Very impressed! :)

Anonymous said...

Good picture. I hope he isn't coming down with anything though and is just tired from having so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and peaceful.