Thursday, December 18, 2014

First December Activity

The week after Thanksgiving, Grandma and Grandpa Brown came down to help G and G "Warmer." They spent a few days there and then came here. Getting ready for Christmas and visitors was a lot. And sometimes, days are long for us! So a shopping trip and plans were made.

We had 2 very excited kids. We had high hopes of having such amazing warm weather but we really had a bit of rain.

Ok, we had a lot of rain.

The day of the big storm, I did everything in my power short of duct tape, to keep Grayson out of the park and out of the water. It didn't work. Oh and he has been potty trained for a bit now, but with visitors wouldn't use the bathroom because "Grandma might see my Pirates." So we went through LOTS of clothes. In Arizona, you don't use long pants all that often, so he doesn't have THAT many to go through. We washed A LOT!

We had planned to go to the Mesa temple lights that night and we had planned to make hot scones and hot cocoa, so the fact that it rained made it even a better night to do it all. 

We headed out to dinner and the lights. We made it to the lights to start touring and the boys LOVED it. The nativity scenes there are really beautiful and the reflection pool are done up so well. We waited for a while for our dad to come but he was really slow. ( A painful confession followed the slowness later!) 

I asked some of the Missionaries there if we could walk up close to the nativity scene so that he could see the scene. Grayson, Tyler and I were able to go right up and look. The Nativity was carved out of a specific wood in Italy. It was gorgeous and so life like. Tyler and Grayson looked at the Wise men and then did the the baby Jesus. It was so, so  cool!

After we got home we checked out our Elf, who happens to bring us a Christmas book every night instead of something I have to clean up and actually do the next day and then our Christ tree. We headed to bed and then the adults enjoyed the evening of scones and hot chocolate. 

This season has been one where I feel totally and completely blessed. We have made and done some things this year that have left us at peace. For a long time we have had to make choices that have left us some what drained. However, after making some better choices and putting up boundaries and allowing us to set our own rules and relying on each other we are definitely in a different place. 

We can't wait for the new year and to see where it brings us. 

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