Friday, February 22, 2013

Five minute- Friday- What mama did

I am linking up with a new group of women that I have found. Basically they ask you to write for five minutes and that is it. Just get the words flowing.  You can find more women HERE!

The theme is “What mama did” ( don’t hate me for the english!)

Two of the most memorable of my mom in adulthood is centered around my Ty. I am sure she doesn’t remember but I do. And that is all that counts.

The night that Ty was born ( well morning) my mom and dad got in a car and drove 3 hours to be in a hospital room where there was nothing anyone could do. Dallas was with Tyler and so the first people I saw were my parents. I didn’t know when they got there. I only know that they were there. I knew my parents were crying and they focused all they could on me and making me feel loved. After a very heartfelt blessing everyone left. I was left with just my mom, who was sleep sitting in a chair. I was talking to her and she kept reassuring me it was fine. It was a simple act, but I needed it.

The next happened a few months later. I don’t remember why but Ty was being poked for the millionth time for a procedure and I was standing at the edge of the bed/incubator.  I couldn’t handle it and I broke down. There was my mom standing at the bottom of the incubator and she took over where I fell short. I was very thankful that day.

There are many times that they ( mom AND dad ) came up. Major surgeries they would do what they could. Only the ones where we lived in Arizona was it just us. Even though they are far away I know they think of us often.

For the fact that she is here and I have a mom I am thankful.

Thanks mom.


Raising Faith said...

This was really powerful--sending love to you and your family. It's amazing to me how much it means to have your mom there in moments like this--loving presence is such a strengthening gift. <3

Grandma Labrum said...

I remember those times like it was yesterday. I remember exactly what we were doing when we got the phone call, how we quickly packed a bag, grabbed everything and started driving at 11:00 pm. We went through that canyon and up the freeway as fast as we could, running into the hospital. You were still in surgery, but we got a quick look at Tyler through the window as the doctors and nurses were working on him. As soon as they brought you out I knew you were the one that needed my attention. My one regret that night was not looking for your glasses for you so you could get a peek at him before they flew him off to PCMC. And I remember the time I stood by him when it was so hard on you. I try to be there for you as much as I can. I know it may not be enough, but I try. We love you all very much.

nancy said...

You would have been looking a LONG time because I didn't have my glasses there with me. I had worn my contacts and they made me throw them away. So there was no way you would have found them. At the time they brought him in, I don't care that I couldn't see him, my one and only concern was a blessing. No one could forsee the future of what it held for us. No one could predict what could happen or not happen and no one could tell me what the end result could be. But one thing I learned, and learned the hard way, is that the power of a priesthood blessing was all I could as for to help my child. And even that wasn't something that I could give, just something that I could ask for. I think you did the best you could at the time. Love you to!