Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy 7 Months Baby Gray's

Baby Gray's is seven months old. He is growing so fast and getting so big and we LOVE it. He is actually pretty dainty( about 14 pounds. Not sure on the inches. Sorry!) for his age but he is growing and that is all that matters to us. He loves Tyler. LOVES Tyler.  You can pretty much bet on a smile when Ty is in the room. He loves to put things in his mouth. He likes to cry and prefers his mother over anything... including food( like baby food) , sleep etc. He is horrible at napping, likes to make his mom sit and hold him for naps and nurses at any whimper. He hates people who take him away from his mom. Did we mention he has a thing for his mom...

Things you will see Gray's doing:


Totally LOVING when his brother comes to play.


No really... he loves Tyler

Loves him so much he will pull his hair at any given chance. Even at the grocery store. (But did we mention Ty likes the sensory and will lay down and take it like a man)

This is OFTEN


And this......

And an edited one because his eyes are AMAZING :


But the most exciting stuff you find him doing is...

( Iphone picture.. sorry it is terrible)

and this......


We love you Baby G! A few more weeks and you will really be off and we will have to put you in baby jail. We hope you learn to sleep in your crib soon and that you will know that other people exist other than your mom... If not, your mom will keep savoring that you are here and that we love and wanted you so badly. Thanks for being our sweet baby!

1 comment:

Grandma Labrum said...

He is just so cute! Something about those eyes remind me f someone....I know! His Grandpa Labrum! I love that Tyler let's him pull his hair. No one else can touch his head.