Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Grayson 3 months

My dear sweet monkey is three months old. He has changed our WHOLE world. Man we love him. He is getting big fast. Almost to fast. But he is also SO different from our other world.

At last weight ( which just happens to be last week) he was 11 lbs 5 ounces. He has had all his shots so far and he is doing really well. He smiles, coo's and has the sweetest conversations with his dad. He smiles SUPER cute and big, with a dimple on the side, when you tell him he is handsome. He is slowly losing his hair, and has a awesome hairline that resembles his Grandpa Rue and Uncle Barrett but with a red mullet in the back. He loves to have someone around him and he loves Tyler.

Grayson prefers to sit up. He sleeps like crap in the day and sleeps like a champ at night. I have no complaints really. He generally goes to sleep around 8:30 and wakes up hungry at 3 am. He will dream feed at around 12 but I try and pump at 11 as to keep up a supply.

I have supply issues but not horrible ones. I am not one who produces an over abundance. But he gets what he needs. In a few months we can start solids and that will help. Instead we rent a awesome pump and he gets "special milk."

He is doing great, growing and looking cuter every day! We love him so so so so so much.

1 comment:

The Henrys said...

He's a doll and he looks so much like Tyler! Thanks for the update!