Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Thankful Over Flowing Heart

Holy cow there are so many emotions that I have been flooding the gates at this house.I feel so thankful for so many things that I want to remember to tell those people but to also express for others to see just how much my friends and neighbors rock!

A HUGE thanks to Laura and Maria for always being willing to have Tyler in their home and allowing him to learn and play with the kids. And most importantly that he feels SO accepted in their home. I love these ladies. Such a fresh breathe of air to me! I LOVE them. Thank you ladies!

The ladies in my ward that brought us dinner during the first few weeks that I was home. It is amazing to know that there are people willing to do that. Cathy, Kristy, Rochelle and April ( and the 2 above) it was so helpful.

My family. My mom came up and got sick but she was still a great help in holding and rocking a much loved baby. My dad did amazing stuff with my laundry. I am so thankful for them and especially for my dad and the extra attention he gives to Tyler.

My inlaws brought dinner over tonight and stayed just to hold my baby. it was so sweet and so nice. It really makes me realize how much everyone means to me and my family.

The biggest help in this hot mess is my best friend Stephanie. She has pretty much jumped for joy the second we told her we were having a baby. She is so supportive, has given me awesome hand me downs and has made me well taken care of. She even brought me yummy soap in the hospital. I LOVE her so much. She has been through so much and I tried so hard to stay by her side. I will always be there for her no matter what!

I am so thankful for Dallas. He has taken his fair shares of early mornings with Tyler. I get the night shift for everyone. But he takes up the slack where I just can't get it together. Thank you D for the help in and out of the house. But mostly for your supportive words.

I am most thankful for Tyler and Grayson. They make me so happy. I love them both so much. I am so sad that we have to look at Grayson's heart and that there might be stuff going on in there. He is such a sweet little one. Tyler is amazing and is still my little buddy. They both make me want to be a better person so I can be worthy of them.

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