Tuesday, January 18, 2011

High Risk

Since Ty was such a early surprise we have been referred to a maternal and fetal health ( a perinatologist) office at the local IHC hospital. We had some ideas of what they were going to do and what path we were taking to get there but nothing was set in stone until this appointment. This appointment made it so we were able to make a plan of action, get our doc on board and work out the kinks in the system.

The appointment was at a smaller hospital than the main office and Dallas and I were the only patients. It was all eyes on us and it was really nice. First thing we got to do was another ultrasound. Their machines are SOOO much nicer. They have way better and clearer pictures. PLUS it wasn't the size of a pea. My scar still tends to put a little damper on the way we do them but taking a peek was great!

The baby bean is right on track and is 2 days ahead of where we thought we were. 2 days isn't a big deal and who knows, maybe next time it will be behind. But everything look great. It helps to heal my heart a little to know that the placenta is in the right place this time, the baby is higher in my uterus than last time and that things are just overall better looking. The tech sat there with the wand letting us watch the baby move. Feet in the air, big breathes from her mouth. It was amazing.

The heart rate is still petty high ( for all the wives tales out there!) but we were still to little to see some gender going on!

The doctor came in at the end of the ultrasound, sent me to the bathroom and took D with her. I followed after. She had started gathering what info she could through IHC's system and what happened etc. Not much was there so we were lucky enough to get to share our history. We went through the whole pregnancy with Tyler.

A lot of what went on in Tyler's pregnancy is not happening now. With Tyler there was bleeding through most of it. By 9 weeks we had 3 ultrasounds done because we were bleeding. It went off and on through all of my pregnancy. I had a partial placenta previa, noted and watched at one doc, and dismissed at doc#2. Therefore, any chance we had of stopping his birth was dismissed by Doc #2. In fact, because it was true pre term labor there would have been nothing stopping it from coming other than early detection and it would have bought us a few days.

So we are off to a better start with no placenta previa, having only ONE fetus, High on my uterus and no bleeding.

Course of action we are going for is for TRUE pre term labor. Meaning I was in labor for SEVERAL DAYS looking back and now I would be treated faster. So our first step is to start P17 nasty oil shots every other day or once weekly depending on a few variables.

First course of action: On our next visit we will do the gestational diabetes 1 hour test. If I fail then we do the three hour. If all is well then we will draw blood for several tests and make sure that the placenta will have adequate systems working in order to function at top notch speed. A 24 hour urine protein catch will be going on and we will have a blast with that one.

After the above appointment: Our next appointment is with our perinatologist and the above test result should be back from Dr. A. The Peri, Dr.F, will do an in depth ultrasound to get pictures of the heart, kidney's, brain etc and then do fetal echo cardiogram on the heart to rule out any defects. We are especially concerned right now for VSD's and then the other problems that run in the family. Kidneys will be checked for proper growth and rule out any kidney disease. Then we will know what we are having and see the rest of the amazing stuff that is going on.

Also on the plan is 2 times a month cervical checks. If there is any kind of shortening of them we will have an Emergency cerclage placed. If I feel more pressure or feel more off than I would like they will take a cervix peek and make sure baby is safe and sound.

We will star weekly NST ( non stress tests) at 30 weeks. Every week, in the perinatologists office. So we get to see the baby then too!

We will have an amniocentesis at 35 weeks to see the lung function and steroids will be given and deliver will be between 36 and 37 weeks. There will be no labor and will all be done as a scheduled calm delivery.

So ... baby in July!!


The Henrys said...

It sounds like you are in very good hands this time! I'm so glad things are going well!

It all started with a Kiss... said...

It's SO nice to have Dr.'s that actually listen to your concerns and take things SERIOUSLY!!! Sound like your in good hands and that things are going to go as well as possible!!! Good Luck!!!:)

ParkerMama said...

July babies are the best. I was one. :) I'm so glad things are going so well for you.

Madeleine said...

It is so great that they have a plan in place. Praying for the best for all of you. Hi to Ty from Spencer.

July babies are great, lol Scott came July 27th last year.

Melissa said...

Hey Nancy, I've been reading your blog for a while...We went to high school together and were in the pagaent together...Melissa Anderson, anyway I've never commented before but I wanted to let you know that I was really excited for your upcoming baby and that everything is going well! Also I love to hear about how well Ty is progressing! Keep up the good work! You are a wonderful Mom!