Sunday, August 15, 2010

And ANOTHER word from your Cervix!

Holy Cervix posts! If you are a boy ( or my dad) you don't have to read or if you are my Brother in law I just have to say placenta, placenta, placenta, and I know you will stop reading!

This is actually a pretty cool story. A woman was diagnosed as having something wrong with her cervix that didn't allow her to carry a baby to term. She lost MANY babies early on in pregnancy but she also lost babies at 18,19 and 23 weeks.

After the later term deaths she was given a procedure that is done fairly often in the US where they put a piece of material over the top of the cervix after lifting up the Uterus. This makes it so the baby is held in place by the material even if the cervix starts to open.

The women was able to keep her child in till 37 weeks with this procedure.

Yet another advancement in trying to give babies their 9 months.


Lucy said...

That is awesome...

Jim and Amy Rennie said...

It's called a Transabdominal Cerclage--I have one!