The long awaited camping post.
Dallas and I have been contemplating taking the toot camping. We have gone back in forth to try and figure out exactly how, where, when, and if it would work, how it would work type questions and then the actual execution to MAKE it work.
We were so lucky to have my parents come to our rescue. They offered their trailer for us to use this past weekend. Let me tell you, that was by FAR the most luxurious camping trip I have EVER been on. They had it set up so we could use the ....... AIR CONDITIONING! Seriously! They had a bed made up for Tyler and we were pretty much all set up.
We left here after a busy packed morning to get to the EC to unpack our stuff and figure out where we would be. While we went up to the mountains with my dad my sister and mom took Tyler and the other cousins to the local pool.
We were able to stay in the Joe's Valley campground. My parents pulled up earlier that day so my dad was giving us the main tour of how things worked and how to use the air and the TOILET. ( Yep no Port a potty for my butt!) We were so excited.
We then headed back to catch up with everyone to go to the children's parade. We didn't care much about the parade and Ty was not having the waiting in the heat so we took him to the park to wait for the dinner to start.
During the festivities of the 24th they always have a lamb Fry. It is YUMMY! But after a day of swimming, driving and hot, Ty is not exactly the best behaved kid. So Dallas and I just ate our food and decided to take off and head back up the mountain.
It was going to be just the three of us that night and we were really excited. To set up Tyler with this camping trip we gave him books with Little Einsteins camping, we talked about fishing, watched shows with fishing and really just hyped it up. My parents found the perfect spot for Tyler. LOTS of dirt and rocks!
We sat and watched Tyler play and throw the dirt and rocks. He was having the best time. We went in and let him chill out a bit and then Dallas started a camp fire. I brought him out and it was like Christmas for him! The pictures that were in his book were ALIVE and he could see them and he LOVED them.
We stayed out for an hour or so and then put our tired little munchkin into bed. He slept soundly till about 3 in the morning. I then just moved over into his bed and he fell back to sleep.
We didn't wake up till after 9 the next morning but after we got up Dallas took Ty outside to show him what our plans were. We were going to go FISHING. I stayed inside and got all of our breakfast going.
After eating we were a little slow getting going. We knew my parents and sister and her kids were coming but didn't know when. We knew where they were headed when they did. So instead of waiting we packed up our lunch stuff and headed to Potter's Pond. When we got there Dallas tried a spinner and it didn't work so he switched it and FIRST throw out with the right lure he caught a fish. Ty LOVED it.
Ty stood right by his dad the whole time doing exactly what dad was doing. Ty later came to sit on my lap and we threw out his lure a few times and did what dad was doing. He kept saying "fishing pole" and then when we asked him what we do to the fish he said we "eat" them. He had a blast.

Dallas helping Ty close to the lake.

"We caught a fish!!"

Watching his dad. Everything D would do Ty would follow.
He started to get more and more brave and would go stand super close to Dallas. So I would get more and more nervous. He didn't care. Dallas pulled a chair up to the edge of the lake and I stayed back a little. SO nervous. I heard Dallas scream "don't move, don't move" and realized that Ty had gotten a lure in his eye. How much in his eye would be the kicker. Some how it just barely touched his eye and a little blood came out and then nothing. Ty was ready to go back to fishing with his dad. ( I have a problem with getting lures in other peoples bodies. I once caught my brother's ear. In order to get it out it had to be pushed through. Lures have a catch both ways. It is a bad deal. Especially for "special" eyes like Ty's)
After a few more fish Ty kept getting closer and closer and I couldn't watch anymore so I pulled out my book. Not even 2 pages into it I hear a splash. Ty had fallen in the water. He got the top of his head and was just nice and wet. We soon decided that we would pretty much be about done fishing.
During the fishing trip Tyler did what Tyler does and threw EVERYTHING into the lake. First started with a Dr. Pepper can which I followed till it got to a bank. Then we were wearing hats and he took it off and OFF it went into the lake. Dallas saved it by "catching it." He started throwing the fish net in but luckily the on edge parents got to that before it went in.
The best thing about the trip : Seeing Dallas do what he has always wanted to do. Have a great time doing something that he loves with Tyler. Tyler LOVED fishing with Dallas. He sat on his lap, he talked to D and he understood everything that we were doing. ( In fact all day today he has asked for his fishing pole and to go fishing.) Those two are best buds.
On the way back down we went passed my mom and dad and decided we would stop for a few minutes ( in which my child didn't get his way because we said we were going back to camp so he cried) and swapped sandwich stuff for who ever needed it and then they headed up to fish some more and we headed up to lay down and get Ty to take a nap.
We were expecting them to come for dinner but we weren't sure when that hour would be so we just kinda hung out and ran the air conditioner. Everyone took naps and then Tyler and I went out to gut the fish. Yep, I gut fish!
Ty was not that happy but he hung out till it was done. I didn't even get a picture of our fish after their heads were cut off. We went back to camp and threw rocks and just hung out. It was perfect.
The rest of the crew finally showed up and we started our dinner. Hamburgers and fish and tinfoil dinners. Tyler was able to play with Koy and Kayden and Lexi was all over the place. They had a great time. I was glad they did.
When everyone left we went to bed and all of us slept amazing again! We did run the generator out of gas. I guess not everyone can have snow blowing when they are camping.

While we were waiting for everyone to come for dinner. He had SO much fun!

Ty's version of "running" ( did we mention he can JUMP!)

Determined to play and PLAY hard!
Breakfast the next day and a dirty trip back to Lehi. It was just what we needed.
Dallas was totally unplugged for the entire weekend. No Internet, no phone no nothing. It was just what the wife ordered. We were so thankful that Ty enjoyed it.
* For those out of state, July 24th is a Utah holiday and a Church holiday for the LDS church. It represents the first day that the pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley from their trek west!*
I LOVE the pictures of him with his Dad. You can just see how much they're enjoying it. My Hubs would be totally jealous of the RV. He wants one. BAD. I am NOT a tent camper but an RV...
I also laughed at your description of being nervous about Ty's proximately to the lake and the ultimate fall in it. Glad that worked out okay!
Love it Nanc! Nothing beats camping up in the mountains with a little fishing tied in! As me and mom were singing...
I love the mountains
I love the rolling hills
I love the flowers
I love the daffodils
I love the fireside
When all the lights are low
Boom-dee-a-da, boom-dee-a-da, boom-dee-a-da, boom-dee
Boom-dee-a-da, boom-dee-a-da, boom-dee-a-da, boom
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