Thursday, February 25, 2010


I recently entered a contest for a BARNEY DVD. Only because Ty's best friend is Purple and Barney and it is one that WE DO NOT HAVE!!

Well we got an email yesterday with a shouting HOORAY! Ty and I won. Sprouts is giving us a copy of the movie lend a helping hand with Barney, Bob the Builder and Fifi and ROARY! I am sure Kipper will be thrown in there to!

Thanks to LOVE THAT MAX and them hosting such a fun contest!! And a Special shout out to MAX who LOVES purple to!

We will let you know how the movie is and how much we love it all ready.

Thanks again Ellen. LOVE IT!


Knowledge Safari said...

Yeah! That is great! Try your luck again...we're having a giveaway from special needs toy expert Mara Kaplan!

Good Luck!

Amber said...

CONGRATS on winning such a WAAAYYYY COOL video!!!! I wish I was that lucky!!!! SLY!!!

Grandma Labrum said...

Congratulations! I am sure Tyler will love the video.

Unknown said...

WAHOO! Maybe I should start a website Love MY Max :) Enjoy 1 hour of Barney fun!

Ellen Seidman said...

You are SO welcome! I hope Ty loves it!