The day of our wedding I was waiting for him to get there so we could head to the church. He was driving with some friends of his and they were late from the time we had agreed he would be there. I thought for sure he would get cold feet and not come. It was always a joke that he thought I wouldn't show up but I was so in love with him.

I was so excited and so nervous. He was and is the man of my dreams. He is exactly what I needed and still need. He is so much fun. He is the best dad to Tyler. There is this little sparkle when those two are together. I honestly think that each day he falls more and more in love with that little dude every single day.
I think I fall in love with both of them. But EVERY single day Dallas does something that makes me sit back and think WOW. I am super lucky to have found him. Not a day goes by that he doesn't say I am pretty or that I make him happy or he loves me. He is always doing something for me and Tyler.
He works so hard for me and Tyler. He provides so well for us and we are so proud of him in more ways that we can ever name. Not to mention he the most patient person in the world. In a house of 2 stubborn people his patients is amazing.

One of the best characteristics he has is his ability to love. He loves me unconditionally. With out question I am very taken care of and very loved. I can say the same for Tyler. Ty watches every single night for his dad to roar at him and chase him down the hall. He looks for him every morning when he wakes up on his way to find mom. He grabs Dallas head to blow on his tummy. They are best buds. It makes me love Dallas so much more to see him be a father to his son.

I have made D come to more than his fair share of appointments to hold Tyler down. He has such a way with both of us to calm all fears right away. He gently talks to both of us. He never seems to be in a hurry.
Most of all. I can't think of a single person that I would rather spend eternity with than Dallas. I can't think of a single day that I don't think of him a million times. That I don't want to serve as my companion. That I would want to go through all of my bad luck times with. That I wouldn't want to have children with. And that I wouldn't want to love with all my heart.

I love you Dallas. Thank you for always taking care of me. For picking up my messes. For calling the insurance companies a million times because I can't stop hitting other cars. And for working so hard for our family. You are the best husband. I am the lucky one.
I hope you guys had a great day. Ty looks SO small in those pictures!! It is hard to think he was once that small :)
I am SOOOOO HAPPY you found someone like Dallas!!!! You really needed someone who loved you completly!!! Happy Anniversary!!!!
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