To make things even worse Dallas and I have been one car short. While that isn't a big deal and I know LOTS of people that go with only one car, we are not one of them. We are at a million appointments and are gone at least 2 time a week for therapy for Ty. Which means that Dallas either has to miss work/work from home or we have to get a rental. We were ecstatic to be able to get Dallas jeep back on Thursday. We had picked it up the week before but it had some problems so it went back. BUT the pick up day was Thursday.
Early Thursday morning we headed into Mesa/ Chandler to pick it up. Dallas headed into Scottsdale while I headed back into Mesa for speech. We were driving along minding our own business and even going under the speed limit. ( refer to above problem with accidents and how I have been super scared and cautious.) All of a sudden BAMMMMMM! We hit a car. My air bag deploys and smoke is everywhere.
I freak out. I can't see. The force of hitting the air bags has caused my glasses to get knocked off my face. I made a screaming noise and it caused Tyler to cry. So instead of him being fine he was screaming.
The person behind me jumps out of her car and opens his door and my door to check on us. Ty freaks cause he doesn't want to go with her. She tells me that the ambulance is on their way. I pick up my phone from my pocket and called Dallas to come and get us. I am sure at the time of the call he thought bad words but he got there and tried to take Dallas while the fire department looked us over.
While we declined treatment at the hospital we had to get checked out by our family docs. I went to the chiropractor and got Tyler in to see his sweet pediatrician. I went to our family doc this morning. The only injury OTHER THAN MY PRIDE is a small burn and large bruising on my arm that is amazingly much better today than yesterday. Very sore muscles other Wise known as whip lash and I have a seat belt burn on my stomach.
The good news. Nobody was seriously injured. I didn't get a ticket. The other guy turned in front of me. We didn't' have time to stop. His insurance company has excepted all responsibility in the accident and will be fixing or totalling out my vehicle. They will be paying for the medical expenses and some amazing chiropractic care.
The bad news. We are back to one car. I have a rental for now but it will go back tomorrow since we are leaving the state.
In other bad news, I think the itouch is in the back seat on the floor I can't find it anywhere in the house and that was the last place it was used.
The good news. Dallas has a testing phone we could potentially use to save my sanity on the airplane tomorrow.
If we wanted to start listing our bad luck.... well I think I might win. BOOOOO
And the photos of the wreck:
Please be gentle with my Pride...... Its pretty damaged right now....
Ya .. we are heading out for vacation
Oh my goodness Nancy! You do have some bad luck with cars. I hope you get feeling better and enjoy your vacation. Enjoy yourself... you certainly deserve it!
Oh my heck!! I am so glad that you are both ok (sort of). I hope you enjoy Utah and have better luck there :)
I hope you get feeling better and enjoy your vacation.
wow. ouch. we can't seem to keep a car for more then a year. our last car went poof in an accident too. which is too bad, it was the only nice car we ever owned. everything else we've had/have is a junker. =(
Ouch! Sounds like my luck with cars. I totaled 2 cars plus damaged 2 others in the space of 3 years. Now of them were my fault but boy do I feel like an accident magnent. The last total I did I was told it was amazing I walked away from it at all and I only had some brusing and seat belt burns.
WoW! I am glad that no one was hurt...I hope you can enjoy your vacation anyways...
Accidents does having only one car...
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