Once upon a time, a long time ago, I lived in a wonderful little town. If I close my eyes at night I can find all the places that gave me memories. I can get to Mindy's house with my eyes clothes. I know how to get to Sister Smarts going by the cemetery. I know what road to turn in to get to the Demarrow's. I remember the blue walls of the Wilsons.
I remember the feelings, and smells and the way I felt as I taught the families and shared my testimony of why I knew what I was teaching was true.
Conference weekend stirs the pot. Stirs ups some major feelings of the past, present and what I can't wait to do for the future.
We have been making some big decisions in our life and I wanted to make sure that the decisions that we had made were right. I learned in that small little town that if I took questions with me in my head to conference, wrote them down and prayed that I would know what to do, my prayers would be answered.
And boy where they.
I know that I am making the right choices with what we have chosen to do. I know that Tyler is a huge blessing and that he is the best thing that I can do in order to keep me in check. He is the most closest thing to Christ that I will ever come in contact with.
I have resolved to do better, be better and look forward to the future. That my future is only as bright as my faith.
I can do this. I can do what I have been entrusted to do.
I love Listening to the prophets.
(ps. I really want this photo. This little boy has glasses and looks like Tyler. The poem that goes with it is just what my heart needed. Thanks Amber for sending it to me)
Hey Nancy! We had WONDERFUL times in Goshen. We met AMAZING people there. Goshen was one of the very few "homes" either one of us had on our missions. Thank-you for being the kind of companion I needed after the many nightmareish experiences and companions I had before.
Your welcome about sending you the picture and poem. The moment Robin and I saw the picture, we both thought the boy looked so much like Tyler without his glasses. Then we read the poem to go with it and it reminded us of Tyler even more. Robin and I now call it Tylers picture (even though it is really called Take My Hand by Greg Olsen).
I hope the dicisions you and Dallas are working on comes to pass. You will be in my prayers. SURE LOVE YA!!!!!
Conference is amazing. I had a couple talks hit home too.
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