Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wordless wednesday


This last one is just over a year ago. He is now bigger and older and looks like a man instead of a baby.

These are MY moments.


Nicky said...

he has grown up so much! he really is a lil man.. miss you guys so much!

Amber said...

I LOVE the pix of Ty!!! The 1st one proves what an AMAZING warrior you have. The 2nd one makes me laugh!!! He is so silly combing his hair. I wish my brother did as good of a job on his hair as Ty.

Jen said...

Both those pictures are precious and perfect!

AshleyS said...


Tell Me Thursday said...

Awww! Great photos! We'd love to hear the story behind it and really hope you'll participate in this week's Tell Me Thursday meme.