I was trying to decide if I should participate or not in the UBP 2009 and after reading a few I really thought it might be really fun to get to know more people.
So, here goes my intro post. I hope that you browse the archives and come back often.
I am a 28 year old mommy of one. I am married to the love of my life for almost 4 years. He is a senior web developer for Paypal. Two years ago when we were offered the job we were moved to Arizona where we currently live.
I blog about our live as we live it. Our son is the main focus of our blog. Tyler was born at 25 weeks and 3 days gestation. ( He was 15 weeks early) He was 1 lb 11 ounces. He spent the first 3 months of his life in the NICU.

His premature delivery has had a huge impact on all of us. Shortly after birth he suffered from a brain hemorrhage. He has had a heart condition repaired. He developed hydrocephalus due to his brain hemorrhage that has left him with a shunt. He also has ROP an eye condition that causes the retina to detach from his eyes. He developed nystagmus, or fast movement of his eyes. He has also had 2 skull surgeries to correct his craniosynostosis.

Now that he is 3 we deal with a myriad of issues. He was diagnosed with Cerebral palsy, he has low vision and he has a shunt in his brain. He attends school and loves music. He is happy and smart.
He still gets all kinds of therapy and has very limited speech. In the last year he has undergone 2 emergency shunt revisions. He is a trooper and such a strong little boy. He is very determined and makes us smile every single day. He is the best thing that has happened to us. Being a mom is the most rewarding thing that I have ever done. Being his mom is the most amazing thing I have ever done.

We have seen a million miracles. We plan to see a million more.
All Because Miracles Happen
* Please go on over to UBP 2009 and take a look at all the amazing mommy bloggers out there. Try and look over all the prizes ( like that gift certificate for target.) There are to many to name but go and see for your self.*
GREAT INTRO!!! I never heard of a blog party. I will go over to the site and check it out. SURE LOVE YA!
Not only is your son beautiful, he is an inspiration! A little hero for sure!
You have won the Hope Matter shirt for my Cerebral Palsy Awareness sweepstakes. Congrats to you! Please email me with your address so I may ship your shirt.
Thank you!
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