Oh what a day! Ty was able to go back to school today. He woke up around 4 and wanted to sleep with me. I put him on my pillow and off to sleep we both went. Around 7 I got up to go potty and he said mom and went back to sleep. Finally at 7:45 I asked if he wanted to get up and get ready fro school.
Covers went off and I took him to eat breakfast and get dressed. When he heard the bus come he was all ready, with glasses on and his blankie in tow. For some reason he won't let his blanket out of his sight.
The bus made him smile. He got right on and waved the whole way out of sight.
I was able to go back to bed for a nice long nap.
Getting Tyler back home was so nice. He was so happy.
Here is the note from his teachers today:
We heard a lot, a lot of babbling ( trying to add to the conversation along with all the others in the class.) and he was very active outside. He was practicing his new skill that developed over the break JUMPING! He was practicing his jumping and was very proud of it! I called over another boy who is also working on jumping too- they had a good time clapping for each other.
That is the update of the week!! I was so excited that he was trying to babble with the kids. He tries so hard to talk to them. He will get there!!
Jumping!! I loved when Paige learned to jump (around age 5). She was so cute.
Babble away Ty! Everyone is listening!! Woo Hoo!
Oh what a good day! Yay for Tyler!
I love that picture!! That is great he loves school too.
Woot! What a great day! Sounds like everything was perfect today.
GREAT JOB TYLER!!!! Keep jumping and I'm sure you will win a contest against a frog. Also keep enjoying school.
That is awesome that Ty loves school. I can't believe how big he is getting. This blog is a great way for me to be updated on what you guys are up to.
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