My High School friend ( who looks amazing after just having a baby) tagged me for this bugged tag. I was wondering if I could really just narrow it down to JUST ten.
1. I get so mad when people don't come to work when they are suppose to. I know EVERYONE calls in at some point but man come on EVERY weekend.
2. I hate when people gossip. Like really gossip. Like get in your life and totally mess it up gossip.
3. I am bugged that I still listen to grunting, and non verbal communication. I sometimes feel like others think it is my "fault" and I hate it.
4. I hate that some people can't let things go and let people "change." It does happen and if you allow them to change you might find you LIKE THEM!
5. I hate mean people. Seriously, is it that hard to be nice to others. Like don't walk into place ( like say.. a walmart) and be mean to the person checking out your groceries. Its their job and they don't make a million dollars.
6. I hate when someone asks whats wrong with Ty and they follow up by, "man I am sorry. You must be really blessed." Um. no.. he got really screwed. It isn't his fault and he didn't ask for this to happen and life will be really really HARD for him. and thanks to #'s 4,5,6 his life will kinda suck. But thanks for the sympathy... I am glad I have the blessing :)
7. I hate when people who visit my blog or others for that matter never leave comments. I mean come on most of us have site meters. We know you are here. Say Hi
8. meal time. It is such a chore to get Ty to eat. I am bugged by those people who have hugely fat children when mine wont even eat a donut.
9. Loud pets. Keep you dog quiet. I obviously don't have one for a reason
10. When you have a kid at 33 weeks and older, parents of "micro" babies don't really look at that as early. No offense but as you get older than that... especially 34 weeks.. its not a preemie. Not even close.
I tag, Jenn K, Nicky, mom, Chantel, Crystal, Jenn Tippets, Erin B, Jayley, Burkie and Tammy
Thank Michelle!
good job nanc.
I concur.. And what a way to narrow that list down. I would have a huge one. Im bugged by many things. I guess people call me anal for a reason
-K- You are too nice. I don't look that good but thank you for telling me that. Love the bugs. It sounds like you might be talking to some people you might know. Your little Tyler is so dang cute by the way. You can tell he is a sweet little boy. Michelle
Hi. you are hilarious. I love you and your blog.
As for kids and eating: I wish I could get my daughter to lay off the donuts. That's all she wants. She said she would only eat lunch if lunch was ice cream. (She went down for a nap hungry.)
Hello, I agree with all your list! I also get bummed out when people don't leave comments on my blog. People bug me about updateing it but then no one leaves a comment.
Ok I did it.. but with no picture
Hi Nancy:)
I regularly read you blog, but I guess you know that. As one of the basically techno illiterate, I did not realize that you knew I was ever
Ever since my early Preemies Chat days, Tyler has been one of the miracles I have followed and cheered on for his many accomplishments. He is one of my heroes.
Just checking in with the lad and cheering him (and you) on.
Thanks for, and kudos on, your blog. Well done. Hope you do not mind that I keep visiting.
granny to Rory Lynn and Gavin (Angel date 27 Aug 2006), 26 weeker twins.
I'm definitely guilty of not commenting on blogs. I need to be better about it. nice job getting only 10 down, I wonder how long my list would be!!1
Don't be mad that I don't comment. Please?
Sometimes I read it on my phone--making comments not possible.
Forgive me?
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