I know that we are being repetitious this month and sometimes it isn't very exciting But it is a subject that I am very passionate about.
When we were told to take him home and love him we were desperate to do so. We were so excited to have him be ours. We wanted to have him be home and not hooked to machines or taken care of by nurses.
We were excited to have grandma not have to wear a mask just because her asthma was kicking in and she coughed. We were anxious to grandpa sit on the couch and just love on the little boy instead of scrubbing in and watching for a while.
We wanted to pack all his stuff up and go to Grandma's for Sunday dinner. We wanted Great grandpa brown to see him and hold him. We wanted him to go outside and BBQ with Grandpa brown.
I wanted to take him to my moms and have her walk from class to class showing him off. Take him to church and show everyone I ever knew how cute he was.
I just wanted others to see the wonderful little boy that I saw. I wanted to share him with everyone.
I blogged every day back then. I then moved to my wordpress blog and then to here. I have tried to blog his life with a purpose. It was not just to be entertaining and to address his statistics and achievement's and day to day activities. There are other things that we deal with. GOOD AND BAD.
Coming up on prematurity awareness month encourages me to be accessible to those who are on the same journey. I want to show up when they do a google search. I want them to see that in our world the end result is still a work in progress. But we are happy with the work in progress we have.
We have had many milestones and we have gone through many trials. We have had some VERY good times and most days we are just a typical little family doing not so typical things. We have blogged about the Early intervention program and how it has helped us. We have enjoyed reading about others who are currently seeking help in the program. We hope that when they go searching for information that they run across a blog where the mom has shared a journey that they can relate to.
It is NOT doom and gloom in this house. It is mostly laughing, singing and playing. But this journey has changed us. If you want to come and see for yourself the amazing spirit Tyler carries we welcome you with open arms.
Our Journey is not done. Our miracle is still going. We have many more people to touch. And many more things to learn.
Preemie awareness will go on for the rest of the month. Please continue reading. We love to have you read about our family and journey.
Thank you for reading! Thank you for encouraging us as we go.
What a sweet post! I loved every last word!!
I love reading about your journey
I love reading Ty's story over and over again. He is such a strong little man and he just continues on his journey
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