Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The memory post

My friend Ashley had this on her blog and then my SIL posted it and thought I would join in and be a follower!!

. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Soooo... there ya have it. I am not original.. Oh well!


EmandZachsmom said...

Walking around the Motherhood Expo with our kids! It was so fun to walk around and just be an adult.
Watching you have to explain 50 billion times why Ty was so small.

Ohh and the many many times we got "D" in trouble for playing Ping Pong at work. hehe

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time we met. I came up to Logan to go out on a "date" with you to the Library so you could work on a report. Little did I know it would be the start of my real life. I love you and am so lucky to be with you.

Nicky said...

Nanc, I have TOOO many memories of you. A whole 25 ALMOST 26 years of memories (yes, I am almost 26) So how can I pick out just 1? I remember all the memories growing up. I was the picked on little sister that you, Tammy and Barrett didn't want around! :( BUT, I would have to say my FAVORITE would have bethe moment you surprised me by letting me hold Ty for the first time. That is something that I will ALWAYS remember.. I did ask to bring me a pillow so I felt like I was holding something.. You and Dal let me come up and be part of Ty's life whenever I wanted and that is something that cant be replaced. I love Ty so much! THANK YOU!

Andrea, Mrs. said...

I just remember all the time we had in band together. I was kind of surprised when you switched to the bass clarinet and was a little wary at first...but it turned out to be fun stuff.

Ashley said...

I have been trying to think of a good memory, so here goes. I remember when you came to my reception and I remember how much that meant to me. I also remember when I heard that you went on a mission and how cool I thought that was. I also remember that you worked at Target and I saw you there a few times when I was living in Provo. I also remember Strikettes and having fun there. One memory that I can think of was being at an EHS basketball camp and talking to you in line while we were getting ready to do layups, for some reason, I always thought that you knew all of the news in Emery County and I thought that was cool. I remember thinking that you were a great basketball player. I also remember when I first started reading your blog and thinking of how much you have probably gone through. I remember feeling so bad, but then realizing that you are stronger and that you have learned a lot through your experiences.

Crystal said...

I remember when Dallas first met you. (This memory is of you but then...not)

He was so excited. He kept telling me how beautiful you were and how he loved spending time with you. Then, he brought you to family dinner and we didn't scare you away!!

My first memory of you is how happy you made my little brother. :)