So I am going to explain my picture today. There is a special little girl that I love like my own that I was looking forward to visiting in a few weeks. Since we are not going to be there I thought I would show everyone a favorite picture of her. It was on my wedding and she was so sad the whole day because I was busy doing things and she wasn't able to do them all with us. So here is Alexis and her VERY chubby brother Kayden on my wedding day.
Some things about Lexi!!!
One thing about Lexi is she is such a sweetie. She is so aware of her surroundings and the things going on around her. Her little brother had a kidney transplant to make him "better," In her own seven year old mind she was talking to her mom about Tyler and what is "wrong" with him. She asked why he can't just get a brain transplant to make him all better.
She calls Tyler "TyTy" and I am Nana. I was the first word that she said. ( I did it with coaxing and chocolate pudding but she still loved me!!)
Her first full sentence was on a tape that her and Grandpa made me while I was on my mission. I listened to it over and over. She said "Nana I milked a cow!!"
She is a very special kid. I love her and hope she knows that I will miss her till she can come and visit!!
Awww, what a sweet girl!
<>< Kelly
You look so Beautiful Nancy!!
what a wonderful write up and a beautiful picture. Gorgeous!
This is such a sweet photo:)
What a sweet little girl! Great photo.
Lovely girl. :) Happy WW!
It's a great pic! I noticed you are in AZ too... Me, too :-)
God bless,
wonderful! and a happy WW to you!
Beautiful picture :)
She's a cutie ... and I love the lil' guy's face in this picture! :) Happy WW!
WHAT you aren't able to make it! YOU NEED SOME EXPLAINING TO DO MISSY!!!! email me!!!! I'm off to work!
a real nice shot. happy ww
your picture is breathtaking!
I love you too and I will come and visit sometime and I will have some fun with you guys. And it is going to be fun for us because we haven't seen each other for awhile.
What a sweet post!
What a beautiful pictures. I hope you can be with her soon. I love that you coaxed her! LOL And the taping of the sentence..sounds so much like my family. Love the story! I too need a brain transplant..mine's full of holes.
I love the picture! She sounds like such a sweetie!
She is a beautiful girl! And wow! You do as well!
Funny that we both had wedding photos up today! :) You look wonderful!
gorgeous family photo,
mine is up at
The Four Seasons Of My Life Hope you can visit me too.
That a nice picture -- and you do look so great.
What a beautiful bunch you all make!!
Oh how sweet and I love the photo! Happy WW :)
That is a cute picture!
Thanks for stopping by my place earlier!
Adorable! You look beautiful. Great WW!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues
p.s. - Check out our Mama Loves Giveaways on our blog. We have a giveaway in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month. Check it out!
i love the story behind the photo. you're one lucky "nana" :)
btw, thanks for dropping by my blog. :)
what a special photo. she does look sad but i'm sure this still brings up wonderful memories.
nice photo and what a wonderful bride. happy ww
What a beautiful family.
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