I can't believe the weekend is almost over. I LOVE having Dallas home. LOVE it!! It has been one C-R-A-Z-Y week and I was oh so looking forward to the weekend.
So the week in review:
Monday we had our neurologist appointment that went SUPER SUPER well. He gave us some new meds to try with Ty. They suck. So I am calling on Monday to get something else till we can get in for the testing we need to do.
Tuesday was my day off from work so I am glad that we didn't have anything planned and Ty and I were able to take a nice nap. He seems to do great when I sleep with him. To bad there isn't a bed big enough to make that happen.
Wednesday was another big day for us. We had a eye followup with Dr.S and he did great. Ty screams when a doc gets anywhere near him now so he happened to freak out when I had to hold his arms down and make him open his eyes. But Ty is doing better and is wearing his glasses for longer periods of time.
After his eye exam we went to our first PT appointment. We are trying to help Tyler learn that he needs to participate with someone other than his mom. He is so clingy and so a mommy's boy that it is getting a bit out of hand. So we decided to do clinic based therapy. He of course screamed through most of this and didn't show the poor PT that he could do half the stuff he can do. So I get the look of " gee mom you were feed a large piece of crap and you ate it. We don't believe a word you say" look. I know all you moms with "special" kids get it. So I am hoping in the weeks to come he participates better.
Immediatly following our appoitment with PT we were on our way to get his braces checked and fixed. He won't wear them at night so we are having to find other ways for him to wear them. He wears them outside and we practice walking up and down the sidewalk. We have also taken him to walmart where he walks the cart. We take forever and I am sure all the people who are there hate us because we are slow but I don't care much.
We did stop at Burger King and have a burger and all the power went out so we were sitting in the dark and the smoke. Smoke because the grill didn't have a fan to let it go out. After eating we drove to Scottsdale before hitting Pheonix. We wanted to see D and give him a hug. I LOVE visiting him. We also met all his co workers and had a great time.
Thursday was our interventionist from the Foundation for blind children. I LOVE this lady. Her name is Marta. She tries so hard to get Ty to do stuff with her and not with me. Ty is getting much better about it and he always gives her a hug at the end of the session. She is also there at the foundation on Mondays for our play group when we are able to make it.
Friday was my day off and me and Ty were the laziest mom and kid in the world. We hung out in our jammies watching barney and baby Einstein all day and reading books. We showered and stuff after daddy got home and smelled how stinky we were :)
I had Friday off and Dallas made me a great dinner that we ate together after Ty got in bed. I love spending time with D. This time next week we will be waiting for my mom and dad to be here. SO EXCITED!!
Saturday was my day to get up with Ty. I was sure hoping he would sleep in and well.. my wish was shattered when the poor kid was up by about 5. Poor kid. He did spend the day playing though. We woke up from our nap to find our dad missing. He had made an excursion to Home depot and was outside being man domestic and put in a few plants ( that I killed... you still have to water them apparently) and some wonderful looking lights. I just hope our stick tree isn't really dead. We went to dinner and I headed into work. I am not LOVING work after ten pm. So Any prayers and well wishes would be much appreciated.
So tommorow we are attending our new ward. And we are going to spend the whole day enjoying each other. I sure hope the week goes by fast.
The most exciting news of the last several weeks....... WE FINALLY GOT LONG TERM CARE for Tyler. For those who read this from Utah. It is basically DSPD but no waiting list. We will be getting respite care and other services to better help with Tyler. It also means we won't be having to pay extra for anything medical. His meds will be paid and all copays will be paid. Saves a little each month...and well Respite is gonna rock .
So that is our week. Stay tuned for Ty's mohawk
1 comment:
What a busy week you have had! Tell me more about the long term care...I'm not quite sure what you mean and I don't want to come across as retarded by asking the wrong questions!
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