Monday, August 17, 2009

A few conversations I have had this week!

I have had a few very interesting conversations the last few weeks about education and the "right" place to place Tyler for Preschool. It is just preschool and I know he won't learn how to do times tables or even read in preschool so I shouldn't be to concerned. WRONG!? Though I know that he won't be solving world peace of even the health care reform problem it is important to get him the in the right place to get the right services so that when he is 8 he can solve those problems (Sarcasm noted!)

When we moved to Arizona we were not in the school system so Early intervention was all I had to set up. It was a maze and once I figured out how it all worked and was tapped into resources the maze was not so bad. The services were pretty good and when cuts where made I wanted to speak up but nothing was cut of ours and we knew we would have it much worse someplace else.

Once we got into a place we liked we stuck with it. We have been at Coester Cares for over a year and a half. We like it. We have gotten so that Ty is doing so well with his therapist and never cries. Though Jackie and him have stubborn fights a lot! They are a awesome support system for me and a great team for Tyler.

Arizona long term care was amazing and the transition into preschool was pretty uneventful and we learned a lot for year number 2. First year of preschool was what we felt a trial run for this year. We looked at other options and thought of the school for blind children but made a different choice and got him in a different class. The class this year is amazing. It is exactly what he needs.

So our choice to move to Utah was not as abrupt as it seems. We had jokingly talked about, prayed about and then it was presented and we jumped at the chance. Yes we are moving quickly, but most everything is falling into place.

One of my major responsibilities is to get Ty in school and figure out what services and where to get them is my "realm." Doctors are hopefully going to be our old favorites: Marissa, Tim, Dr. Walker, and Dr. Larsen. We are adding Dr. Gooch and possibly a developmental ped and MAYBE a neurologist is the above favorite of Tim and Marissa wont' drug our child!

Those were the east set up. Its been the SCHOOL that has been the hardest. Conversations have gone like this:

CALL one:

Me: Hi, we are moving from another state and need to know where in the district we will be attending.
Lady: What grade?
Me: Preschool. He needs the special needs preschool and I am not sure what school has them and I would like to know what school we would be possibly attending.
Lady: Um yeah we don't give out information like that.
Me: Um could you transfer me to the preschool department.
No one was there to talk to. I left a message.

Message was returned the other day.

Frank: What information were you looking for?
Me: What type of services are offered in class?
Frank: well you know he has to qualify right?
Me: yes we are currently getting services here in Arizona.
Frank: Do you know what his services are called
Me: Yes he gets all of them OT,PT, Speech and vision and music
Frank: Oh yeah he would get services.
Me: where is the preschool closest to us?
Frank : I don't give out addresses. We don't know you.
Me: Um I just want to google the vicinity so I know how far we are busing or taking him because I would like to look at the school for the Blind.
Frank: You know you have to qualify for that?
Me: Yes. Do you know what the qualification's are?
Frank: bad vision.

Today my conversation went like this:

Blind lady: I heard you wanted to know about preschool.
Me: Yes. My son needs vision services
Blind Lady: How do you know?
Me: He is almost legally blind and has nystagmus and ROP
Blind lady: Oh yeah.
Blind lady: Do you know your district
Me: yes, they have a current IEP and have all the stuff they need to tell us what we need but I want to know what services you have
Blind Lady: Oh well we won't tell you what they are until we know what we can give you.
Me: Where is the preschool.
Blind lady: We cant' give you our location.

I said thank you.... and hung up.

Coming from an education family, I fully plan to support public education. I also know that as a parent that the teachers want you to be involved. I love to know what he does in school so we can talk about it with him and ask him questions even if he doesn't answer us back. WE excitedly get into his book bag EVERY DAY to see what is in there. I want him to succeed and want him to have the best possible chance to do that. But just tell me the address so I know if I am busing my child 45 minutes in rush hour traffic that may or may not turn into 2 hours.

I am not going to stalk and steal a baby with issues. I have one of those. I just want him to go to school and be in the right place for him.

I have felt dumber by talking to some of these people!

So, what we have learned. Ty will be attending the elementary just down the street. They just built it and it is brand new. Miss Holly is the teacher there. ( I dragged it out of the guy when he realized that I knew what we needed etc) The blind school may still be an option but we are going to be looking at if he gets 4 days and how much speech. Speech is HUGE!!

Other conversations have been about health care that I will leave to YET another post!

Moral of the story... Don't ask questions about your child's education. They might think you are a stalker!


KristieMcNealy said...

Wow. I think I would bash my head against a wall (or at least throw my phone at it) after all those conversations. There has to be some way to get the kind of information you need. Would your current service coordinator have a chance of getting any further with them?? I mean, this is an important issue, and I'd really want to figure out the logistics of getting my kid where they need to be on a daily basis.

Good luck!


carly said...

I also had a seriously hard time getting information out of people about preschool services in Salt Lake. We were in Provo for about a month and getting him in there was easy. I don't even remember how I got in touch with the right person in Salt Lake, but it took FOREVER (several months). Then when I got him signed up they were so apologetic and shocked that it was so hard to get the right information for us.

Amber said...

I remember my brother having to go to a new elementry school every year because the Special Ed program would move. It is SO HARD keeping up with Special Needs Education. I hope it gets better once you move and settle.