Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tired with Little Updates

Ya know we are boring! I realized we don't do a lot of updating but I feel we are super super busy. There use to be a lot of preemie posts etc but we are kinda in a good place right now. We still have a lot going on but sometimes and most of the time things don't get so overwhelming. I guess that is a good thing.

So here is the best I could do for an update.

Nancy: We hired a new respite so I have a lot more time to myself. Some days it is nice but most days I miss Tyler and having my side kick with me. I was able to do some crafts this last week and I got my entire house cleaned and dejunked. It feels so good. BUT I am exhausted. We have been so sick here that I wanted the germs gone. We also got to go out with Dallas to dinner and a movie. It was fabulous. I LOVE our sitter. Kelsey is the best. I can't WAIT to have her be old enough for respite. She is great. I also got to rent a new lens and can't wait for my batteries to be recharged so I can go out during the week and really give it a try. So exciting. My first wedding shoot is coming up on Friday. Wish me Luck!!

Dallas: BUSY. That is the best way to describe him. He works so hard for me and Tyler. Since we got back from vacation he has done so much. He is currently editing a book for iphone stuff. So he is reading a lot and coding away. He is always so busy. We are so proud of him and all he does. He works so hard so we can be taken care of. He is such a good dad to Tyler. Those two laugh ALL the time.

Tyler: Is so stinking cute! The first 2.5 years were hard. VERY hard. I look back at some of the things we went through and right now I feel so calm. I am sure it wont' last and YES even with all the stuff we have going on I feel in a good place with everything.

This next week we are being evaluated for Apraxia of speech. While I use to freak out about some of the stuff we have to do or diagnosis that we get, this time I am not. I guess because at this point a name to the problem may or may not get us a little more help to get him talking.

Some things we have noticed since vacation is his desire to communicate. Because he tries so hard he seems to be getting his point across a little bit better. He is using the signs he knows and is using them correctly. He is using them without prompting and we seem to get what he wants really well. We have gotten one or two syllables out of him that weren't there before so we feel very encouraged.

He sat on the potty a few times the last few days but when we ask him if he needs to go he says no. We will get there. I know he is 4 and should be already we are so proud of all he does. He comes in the bathroom and gets his book and sits down and reads while he is on the toilet. So cute. We noticed how hard it is for him to get his pants down himself which is kinda a hindrance to using the potty but we did get Thomas undies on one night. Its a start.

School stars again in a few weeks and we start swimming lessons till the middle of October tomorrow. Its his first one alone. Should be interesting. He is a fish.

As a family we are spending a lot more time together and we love it. I love staying home. So worth it. I am hoping to get together with a old college friend. She seems to have hit the always getting bad news stage. We are enjoying the cool weather inside but the outside is starting to hit the over hundreds.

Everything else is.... well WONDERFUL! ( Even with bad luck!)


Jesmi said...

My suggestion would be to eat a breakfast jam-packed with protein to give you a little boost. I have a protein bar in the morning and it gives me a bit more energy than I usually have. It's also a lot better for me to have at-home workout videos that I can use in my living room so that I don't have to pack up all my stuff and drive to the gym (

Melissa said...

You'll have to let me know how his Apraxia of Speech eval goes. Josh has been showing all signs of it and I am curious to see what others do and how it is working for them. I am so glad to hear that you guys are doing OK. Take care!

Amber said...

I am SO GLAD everything is going well for you all for a change!!! I pray that it continues!!!!! Tyler is progressing SO WELL lately. I am sure his efforts will be rewarded soon. SLY!!!!