For People Who know this kid they have LOTS of stories to tell. This was the sweet innocent kid that I remember. He was the beloved of them all. He was the smartest. He was the sweetest. Stories like being infected by this sweet little boy when he exposed the rest of us to the chicken poxs. We were "forced" to spend Easter at the blue ridge. Or the time we went to enjoy a family outing in Green river for our sisters baskeball games and instead Barrett got sick with apendicitis and had to be taken back to price.
There were many childhood memories of that sweet innocent child. But more memeories when that child grew bigger and could kick my butt. He grew up and he was still smarter than everyone else.
As he grew even more his head grew so much his hair fell off. And his brain grew bigger and so did his education Tittle. And so did our pride. Our pride grew as we realized that he was really going to do it. He was going to be a doctor.
Since I remember a lot of the younger times, and the older times get far an in between, I wanted to wish my OLDER and much Smarter brother a happy Birthday. I have a large package to be mailed off but I won't get it there for your birthday. I missed everyones birhtdya I am missing yours. OH WELL>
But I am telling you, I am very proud of you. You are going to make some one a very smart pediatrician ( I hope) and you will be there to listen to use when we need a pediatrcian he will have some advice.
Thank you to Chantel for keeping him in Check. You are a great women. You two hav a great family. Keep up the good work.
It's funny how the mind creates its own memories. We didn't go back to Price from Green River, we came home. Dad and I took him to Price in the middle of the night. But yes, he was in pain while we were in Green River, but we didn't know what it was. And he wasn't the most loved, just equally loved. And not the smartest, but smart in his own way, just like all the rest of you.
i agree with mom, I remember coming home and when we woke up in the morning, Barrett was gone and we were told he had to have surgery. don't forget him eating the orange newspaper bags that he would put on his feet while watching golf every sunday after church! :)There is something special about our brother.. we're still trying to figure that part out! :) JUST KIDDING! We love ya Barrett! Happy birthday!
Cute boy. love ya Barrett Happy birthday!
What the crap? Who is biology blog and why do they love Barrett? Yikes. Any who... Thanks for the birthday wish :)
Yeah bilogly girl is in love with Barrett. She is freaking spam. I get them all the time. They change names so I can't catch em. SUCKS. DON"T CLICK
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