Do you remember this? I do....

Well check out this:

Yep THIS is his bear that we use for his comparison pictures when he was 24 hours old. He is playing with it, loving it and throwing it. ( I know.. shocking that Tyler would THROW something.)
Isn't it amazing how big he has gotten.
So the TYLER part of the post.. Oh he is Naughty. Oh he is just naughty naughty. Today he was up super early and thanks to his dad not sleeping he was watching movies in his office with his dad. BUT, throughout the day he kept going back in. After emptying his bucket of toys 6 times I finally agreed to let him watch a movie in the office. He got his lunch, and his drink in there. I went about doing some things in the house and went to check on him. SURE ENOUGH in true typical Tyler fashion he had spit it out. ALL over his dads stuff. Like computer stuff. Oh I was mad. I put him in Time out, took off his clothes, took away his blanket so I would wash it and cleaned up the rest of the office. I thought he had learned his lesson.
Later this evening, Ty had a drink and me and his dad heard the spitting sound of yet another Tyler fountain. This time he was in big trouble. He was put in time out for longer than normal. Talked more sternly to. He had to pick up all his toys with no help. He didn't get a piggy back ride to the shower and he couldn't take a bath because he was naughty.
He then helped me make brownies and was doing so well. He was offered a drink. YEP, you guessed it. He spit it out. Making a fountain. OH I WAS MAD. He went back into time out until bed time.
Now for the adventure bus.
This is Barney and his adventure bus:

The adventure bus takes kids all over the place. But they first sit on the bus and buckle their safety belts. Well, grandpa hasn't given Tyler a bus but he has a John Deere Tractor. Any time that John Deere tractor is out and adventure bus is starting you get THIS:

He positions the tractor just right, buckles his safety belt and in the words of Barney "Away we go!"
This is the best photo we could get of him. He loves that Barney.
So there is the adventures tale of Tyler, his bear and the adventure bus.....
The end
That bear is SO CUTE (Tyler is too!!! My sister and I gave that EXACT same bear to my Grandma for her last birthday, 8 months before she died of Alzheimers. She LOVED that bear!!! She always was holding it and she wouldn't go to sleep without her bear.
It is strange how we have the same bear that means so much to us!!!
Since I have only recently met you in this world of blogging, I don't know a whole lot about Ty's story as far as his birth. It is amazing how far he has come and what a fighter that boy is. His NICU pictures bring me back to those days for me. I love the bear, and it is so adorable he still has it, and plays with it.
I understand about days like that. We don't have spitting, but throwing at our house. With Josh's Motor Planning issues, he can't set things down safely. So he THROWS everything. All is therapist have gotten good at 'catching'. It's so hard to put them in time out, huh?
aw i love your stories!!
i love love love that little ty chair. i have been looking for some for our kids that aren't wicked pricey!
I don't believe Tyler is naughty naughty! :) Send him to Aunt Nicky! I can't believe he is playing the bear! SOO cute! and the John Deere tractor.. Grandpa needs to get on the ball and get him his bus bank! :) I can't wait to see you guys! :)
Love the pic w/ the tractor! :)
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