Monday, May 25, 2009

Maybe we will have some answers?

A comment left on my blog regarding a auditory processing problem and got me on a Quest. I good one. One that I am hoping will help us figure out Tyler.

Today was a better day. I think I am going to talk to his therapist on Tuesday about his words that he is using and how his mouth doesn't form them right. Thanks to this groups of moms I think we are taking a little bit of steps closer.

This is going to be a busy crazy next few weeks. We are still working on getting Ty into his summer program for the foundation. And then of course vacation.

Dallas is going to San Francisco for a conference that he wants to go to. Me and Tyler are heading to Utah. It will be nice to see family, but also to have them see for themselves what things we are doing and not doing and plan to be doing. Its hard work just thinking of it.


rakyatindonesia said...
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Melissa said...

Nancy, I am so glad you have something to look into for Tyler. I don't know about all his specific problems, but have you looked into Apraxia of Speech? That is what Josh has. It is a motor planning disorder... meaning they can't motor plan their mouth to form the words. Josh also has Dyspraxia, which is the same thing, but full body. Just a thought. I don't know a ton about Apraxia of Speech yet since it is a fairly new diagnosis, but I do have some websites I can pass along that are helpful if you are interested. Hang in there.... you might be on the right track!!