A few tidbits of Tammy:
She gave birth to my Favortie Lexi in the whole world. We were so excited to get her. I feel like she is mine sometimes.
She would have given her kidney to kayden. Luckily anothger unslefish mother did the same and Kayden was able to get one.
Koy is a terror.. but a cute one.
Tammy works hard to keep her family going
She is my older sister. She is also one of my best friends ( or was.... and hopefully understands what goes on and will again) She gets a lot of the things I go through because she has been there.
She is old. So old that we are barely 3 years apart.
She has done 2 things that have really stuck out to me.
When my inlaws called and said I was in labor my sister came up with my parents. That meant so much to me that she came. While she was here she wrote me a letter that I still have. I don't think she even remember what was in that letter but I read it every week.
She made Tyler a scrapbook so that we could document his travels. She did it because she knew I didn't know how. I still have it and look at it all the time.
The past 2 weeks have proved to be rocky and hard. It has made it so we are not close right now. That doesn't mean that I don't love you or want to call you. In fact I picked up the phone 2 times just today. I just means I respect you and your wishes right now.
We do wish you a happy birthday and are bringing a gift when we come visit in a few weeks or if I can send it off sooner with Morgans. Lexi's is there as well.
I love you Tammy and you are one of my best friends. Some day you can come and visit and we can wreck havoc on Arizona and Dallas pocket book! Happy birthday.
Thank you. Me and the kids went to wheeler farm and got a little bit of a sun burn. Nothing like 103 in Phoenix today, but still warm enough for a sun burn.
This post made me do a lot of reflecting... thank you for posting it.
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