Saturday, April 25, 2009

Our day

Today was a good day. Ty had school today. He had a BAD BAD night but was up and in the mood to get out the door and fast. He ate a huge breakfast and kept signing more. Finally after 2 full waffles I gave him a carnation drink that he drank most of. He also decided he needed his bum changed JUST as we were walking to the bus. Stinker :)!!

After he got home we ate lunch together, read a few books and hung out. We also decided to go out and put water in his pool. He had a great time. We spent over an hour outside splashing and refilling.

The afternoon was filled with movies, kisses and books and Dad.

These are the days that make it so much fun to be a mom. The house was cleaned and the boys were happy. It was so nice to have it all work together. It makes me realize just how lucky I am.

Here are the pictures of the day!!

He is a fish in the water. He has no fear. He can go underneath, over the top, where every he wants and his body follows in the water.

Laying down chilaxin... Getting ready to kick those legs.


He was not mad in this picture he does this scrunchy face when he is being silly. That is what he was doing. It was cute.

After he asked for his blanket he laid down because he was sad. It was almost time to get out and he was showing it.
The pout face. Poor kid. Lucky he was almost done!! He had a blast. This is Ty signing for his blanket. He was ready to get out and was sad because he was told he wasn't hurt. He is such a sweetie.

We all had a blast. We were happy people today. He ate like a champ and he mimics all of his dads actions. He is getting so big. We are so so proud of him.

When I finally fully started realizing that he is who is he. And he does what he does. And we work to get him to do things. Then I was able to embrace him. I am able to understand him. I am more patient when things don't progress. He is more of a miracle each day. I will always be so proud of him.


Nicky said...

Ty takes such good pictures. I just love his pouty face! :) He must be pouty because he misses his Aunt Nicky! :) That MUST be it! :) It looks like he had so much. Can't wait for you guys to come!

We are all "SPECIAL" said...

I love it!!! That IS the best when you have such good days!!! It makes able to bare the bad ones!!

Amber said...

You have 1 CUTE fish!!!!! I'm sure if Disney made a movie of him, everyone will forget about Nemo and be 'Finding Tyler' .

Steph said...

What a cutie. We've gotta get our pool out so it can be getting warm

Remi said...

I love it!!! That IS the best when you have such good days!!!