Once upon a time, around 2003. In a far away land, known as Goshen Indiana. I met a person. No, I met a great Friend. She came at a time in my life where I was able to be the best mission companion I knew how to be.
You see we were polar opposites. There was not ONE thing that was similar between me and this person. I was put in as senior companion, yet she had been there longer. She was being transferred into my area and I was being left behind by a companion I LOVED so much. How was I going to be "in charge" of someone? How was I suppose to help this person come out of her shell? What was I going to learn from this person.
This person taught me so much. She taught me true compassion and honest love for another person. She was so unselfish. She let me drag her around the city when she was in pain and bleeding because she wanted to serve. She let me cut her hair off, I taught her how to talk to the Elders ( in a growing and learning way... not in a not locked heart kind of way.) She taught me that compassion and true love for the people I was serving was all that was needed.
I came home from my mission and lost touch with this person. But with the dawning of new technology I have been reunited with this person.
Amber is the sweetest person I know. She hasn't changed in that aspect of it. She is still so unselfish. Since we were back in touch she has become such a cheerleader for my little man. She prays for him, she thinks of him and her and her twin sister (yes there is 2 of them that are this nice) just sent Tyler the most amazing care package.
We got a Greg Olsen book with a picture that she thinks looks like Tyler. I happen to agree and LOVE the print. And she/they were so nice to include that photo in a print for me. And Robin found a book that she knew that Tyler would just love.
Amber and Robin, Thank you. It was so amazing to get a package from you. Amber Thank you. You have taught me a lot.
So to sweet special friends..... I am lucky, I have double the trouble..
Thanks Robin and Amber
Isn't it amazing how having people that care so much makes all the difference in the world? I am so glad Ty has some extra cheerleaders in his corner who love him that much. He is a special boy!
Now you made me cry!!!!!! Thank-you for your sweet message!!!!!! Your very welcome for the package and the cheerleading for Ty. I am so thankful we were companions and friends. I grateful that we found each other. I never want to loose contact with you again. SURE LOVE YA!!!!
Thank-you for your sweet message!!!!!! I am so glad Ty has some extra cheerleaders in his corner who love him that much. He is a special boy!
thanks for what you said about my two wounderful daughters if you would like i can be tys new gma it willgive me someone new to love
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