The first part of spring break was pretty rough. I was sick, and then was waiting for the rest of the family to get it. I lucked out ( thanks to all those who prayed that we would not be struck with the pukes) and only i was stricken.
I spent the next part of spring break watching Tyler be just a little bit off. I spent the time worrying and worrying and finally getting him in for a med change at night. The last few nights have been much better. His sleeping meds have been uped and he seems to be out much better. I almost feel like I have my child back.
Tommorrow starts school again. I have his book bag all ready and we are purchasing our first package of school portraits for Tyler and are sending him back to school. He is in resting and seems to be ok with going to school.
I also spent the week doing some crafts. It seems that it is some what therapeutic for me.
Here are the pictures:

Any suggesetion on where to find one? Any suggestions on how to hang these cute little letters?
I've seen them hung with coordinating ribbon, but idk, I think that might be too feminine for T-dawg.
We have a wood toy box from Ikea, it's natural (unfinished, actually, but you could stain it) but it's not solid wood, it's like wood mesh? I don't know how to describe it. It's full of 1" square holes. It came with a top, which my SIL added a hinge to, and then upholstered the top. It's cute, but we realized quickly that a toy box is pretty impractical. All the small toys sink to the bottom, and they end up playing with the same 3 toys every day. We opted instead for a cube unit (also from Ikea) and added metal buckets (though I've seen TONS of options) for some of the cubes, for the smaller toys. One cube also holds a few books, and another couple some bigger toys. Ours is 4x2, but if I had it to do again, I'd probably get a bigger one, as it's already filled.
They are kind of expensive, but it will last, and grow with him, where a toy box there's not much else you can use it for when he's a teenager, kwim?
Good luck! The letters are so cute!
I hope Tyler is doing well and I love those colors of his name. Blue and Black go together
The letteres are SO CUTE!!!! You will have to post pix of his new bedspread. I'm sorry you didn't have such a great Spring Breakbut I'm glad you are all feeling better.
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