It is spring break here in the Valley of the Sun. OK for the valley of queen creek. Queen Creek school district is out for another week. 2 weeks seems like forever.
Week one didn't go so hot. I had wonderful plans to take Ty out to a whole bunch of events and play groups. We didn't get to one. I was not feeling well at all and thought I was entertaining Aunt Flo for awhile but oh no. No visitors. just lots of tired, exhaustion and nausea.
As the week went on I became nervous Nelly about Tyler acting 'off" and that something horrible was going to happen. Come Thursday I honestly had thought I was in a total panic. After some time checking with the porcelain princess in our house I concurred that this is NOT anxiety but a bug.
Got my baby to bed and went to bed myself. only to find myself waking to head back into the potty to talk to the princess. It wouldn't stop. I took a bendryl and hoped that it would take away my nausea. A remedy from my dear old mission mom. It made me sleepy and I slept well but woke up SICK. Like tummy ache sick.
I spent the rest of the day sleeping and running to and from the bathroom. Begging that the boys don't get this. And sleeping some more. Dallas took care of Tyler, bathed him, listened to me throw up and got our child to sleep. Went grocery shopping, out to dinner and then even got to put in a little work. He is amazing.
I got up to make it to the toilet for the last ( or what i hoped would be the last) visit to the princess potty. I almost didn't make it. I was so weak. But climbing back in bed was the last I could do. I feel asleep soundly.
I woke this morning feeling pretty good. Feeling tired. So glad to have my body back.
Lots of prayers that Tyler and Dallas avoid the bug.. I don't even know what it is like to have Ty sick with the flu. SO please please please pray hard.
Oh I hope Ty nor Dallas gets the bug! You're in my prayers!
WOW! Won't Sister Quist be surprised that you listened to her advice HAHAHA!!!! Well Sister Quist never said "take 2 Benadryl and call me in the morning" to make us feel better, just to get us to sleep. I'm glad it got you some sleep, but I'm sorry you woke up sicker. I am glad you feel better now. I will pray with you that Dallas and Tyler won't get sick too. Sure Love Ya!!!
Hey sorry you got that nasty bug. My little boy got it and it was AWFUL for him!! He was one sick little boy. I pray that your little boy does not get this!!
Hope that he avoided it, it is hard to be sick, but much worse when it is your kids.
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