Monday, February 23, 2009

Our Roller coaster

The roller coaster seems to be on Coast right now. I prefer it on coast. I don't prefer the climb and I definitely don't like the violent slam to the bottom.

So the week has gone pretty OK. Here is the run down.

  1. Saturday ( we were released) and we came home. Mom ( that would be ME!!) was super sick by this point. I had gotten a lot of sleep on Friday but no sleep on Saturday and I was not feeling well. Ty was pretty down that day and was laying more than the last surgery. No fever and no oozing at the sight of entries.
  2. By Sunday we had a sniffling pile of mommy and Ty boogie rags all over. Ty has the runs, a small fever and can't hardly stand up. Poor kid. Mommy.. sick. Coughing a lot. Not feeling well. Daddy, Still OK.
  3. Monday Dallas had off and mom got a few extra minutes of sleep in. Ty started to noticeably get sicker and mom is sicker. Ty was taken to the Peds to get a baseline ( again) the ONLY time we have gone in six months might I add. He feels Ty would be best on an antibiotic. Sends us home.
  4. Tuesday we attempt therapy. Ty is done a good ten minutes into his second therapy. Off we go with green boogies and red eyes. And no way is he taking that antibiotic.
  5. Wednesday more of the same only this time mommy isn't sure she is alive. Exhaustion is getting to be a common factor here .
  6. Thursday... Daddy decides that he is NOT feeling well. Comes home with a sore throat. All three of us, in one week with the crud.

  7. Friday much of the same. Mommy feeling much better. Ty still not touching the antibiotics and daddy just feeling gross.
  8. Saturday rocked. Only because Dallas, for the second day in a row, got up and headed Ty out the door before I heard him and got to sleep in. No sound till 9 in the morning. Amazing. It also made for mom to start feeling better and get to take care of 2 sick boys.
Ty seems to have gotten sicker this time because he was on the vent. It seems to have made his lungs much more yucky. They sound wet and crackly. He is coughing well and has more boogies than I have ever seen him have. I was horrified for RSV for this very reason. Though we were not diagnosed with RSV, the fact that he was on a vent last week is a good contributing factor to his really bad lungs.

His little owies seem to be healing. The one on his tummy is a little sore and he doesn't like anyone to touch it. It looks red but not infected red. We will see how he does as he goes to school tomorrow.

This surgery has brought out a new Mean streak in Ty. He is VERY opinionated. He is so opinionated it is frustrating for him and mom. HE MUST have someone right there with him and usually it is mom. Though Dad does an awesome job of doing super fast so he is a preferred choice of toy.

His muscles have been more tight. Something that really bothers me so I won't be touching on it to much. I will be calling the Orthotist..aka Bret on Monday to see when we can be braced before doing Botox in a month or so.

Dallas and I are on the mend. WE seem to really be OK. I am feeling much much better and Dallas will have a few more days of the crud before he is OK. He is still working so hard for us and we have pulled together for each other.

Dallas also got a New grill. His broke and we have been saving to get one. We went in with our budget and started to look around. We found a discontinued one for 300 off the regular price. WE talked it over since it was a little above our budget and decided that it was worth it.

As for me.. I am the mom. Its what I LOVE to do. I love it. I have kept a clean house through all of this ( serious I have) it isn't perfect all day but at the end of the day it is all put away. I have no loads of laundry right now and I am happy.

Here is to a less stress full week, more appointments and more routine for Tyler . Wish us luck!


Holly Steffen said...

Nancy- you give me such motivation! =]

And you live where its warm all year-- you deserve a great grill!!

Amber said...

Man, what another crazy week in February for you all!!!!! I hope the rest of the month (and year) go better for you!!!! when I get married and have a family I hope I LOVE it when everyone is sick and cruddy like you!!!!

Ashley said...

Wow, that is a crazy week. I am proud of you that you have kept your house clean, I can't even do that when I am feeling really well. Hopefully you will all be feeling awesome soon.

Stephanie said...

sorry I am so crummy at leaving comments. I am so glad that Ty is ok. You guys sure have been through a lot and I hope it all calms down for you. Let me know if you need anything. you are doing a great job! Has Ty had the botox before? we are going to have lucy evaluated for it soon.