Friday, January 16, 2009

There is no place like home

Oh I can't even tell you all how nice it is to be home. I can't begin to tell the emotions and things that have made home even better.

Our flight home was delayed almost an hour. By the time we got on the plane Ty was out pretty quick. It was a pretty laid back flight. Totally packed. It was nice to get into the airport here in Arizona.

We quickly retrieved our bags and sent Dallas off to the long term parking to get the car. I put together the car seat and took Ty out to wait for Dallas. The air was warm and the night was perfect.

The feeling of home is something that I will never get tired of. This city is just where we need to be. This is our home.

Thursday I was able to get into my dentist ( thank goodness) but because of the infection in my tooth I have to wait till Tuesday to get it fixed. I was able to enjoy the day with Ty and my heating pad!

Today I got Ty off to school. Went back to bed and got up in time to give my roaster to the Relief society for a funeral and I was able to get a nap in thanks to respite. This toothache is really kicking me hard!

Home... that is where I want to be. Home sweet home

( disclaimer... Post written on pain medications... read with caution)


Amber said...

That heating pad has been your friend for A LONG time. I remember you slepping with it every night while we were companions. I also remember your tooth pain and our trip to Michigan to get it fixed. I hope your tooth pain ends soon.

Grandma Labrum said...

Maybe you need a corn bag. President Law thanks me every week for his corn bag. He even let President Curtis use it one day. I hope your tooth feels better. Be careful with those pain meds, though. I feel your pain! A bad tooth ache is terrible.

Anonymous said...

Goodness girl. I hope you get your tooth fixed. I cant imagine the pain.

Anonymous said...

There is an event sponsored by the March of Dimes on Thursday at 1pm for KidsCare a state program that is at risk of being axed due to budget issues in AZ. You can bring your son and anyone else who is willing to attend. It's at 1pm at the State Capitol, House Lawn. Hope you can make it.