Saturday, January 10, 2009

Our "vacation"

Leg one of our trip is almost over. We leave the EC ( Emery County) tomorrow and head to the "big city" Of SLC to pick up our dad and head to the other grandparents house. It has been action, family and friends packed!

Thursday was a long not fabulous day. I did so much laundry and folding I thought I would die. All of the laundry was done. Then came packing.Got that done. Had to formulate a plan to get Dallas and the rental car back to the rental place and then Dallas off to his meeting while me working. We got the plan going and our hab person was 20 minutes late making it so I no longer had a ride home from work.

Paid someone to take me home from work and was so nervous ( not to mention the entire veggie tray I ate) I wreaked some havoc on my digestive track ( OH TMI ) and I ended up not sleeping the entire night. Good thing Ty and I had taken a nap.

We left the house before 4 am and were headed to the airport. Very uneventful ride and we were able to get to the gate in plenty of time. (See above TMI for reasons that we were glad we were early.) Got aboard and almost empty plane. Me and Ty had an entire row to ourselves AND the row to the right and the entire back part of the plane was empty! We turned off Ty's entertainment and got going.

The ride was uneventful though I secretly wished I had my camera and had any idea how to make shots come out on the airplane. The sun came up while we were en route and we were above the clouds.

When they passed out drinks I made Ty a carnation and he wanted to sit in my lap. He zonked! and I was able to sit there enjoying the gorgeous scenery and smell my sweet baby. I was in heaven.

While en route the pilot said he was going to take some short cuts ( How do you do this in the air btw) and get us there a little early. Boy he was not kidding. We were scheduled to arrive at 8:35 and we got there before 8. Other than walking off the plane and getting smacked with 33 degree weather it was wonderful.

We went to see Aunt Tammy and the boys and stopped for breakfast then shopping at a few stores then headed to the EC. Ty and mommy slept for most of the ride and made it to Granny's house. We made a few rounds to see granny's friends then we decided that Ty should try his very first basketball game.

I was not sure how his sensory stuff would play out in the arena but we took him anyway. He LOVED it. He was wearing his glasses and was able to get right down on the floor. He got his own basketball and had a blast throwing it and making grandpa chase it. He would clap when everyone else clapped and had a great time.

Spartan basketball is not what it use to be but they won and we headed home.

Today was a great day. We had a few stops and went and saw Great Grandpa and Ty was able to try out a Food Ranch Donut. He LOVES donuts. Not sure he loved the Butterfinger ones that are so amazing but he did like the sugar ones.

Aunt Tammy and Uncle Josh we willing to drive down and see us here and we all went to the new swimming pool in Castle Dale. The water baby had a blast and loved being in the water. He was so brave and would go under the water and squeal and splash. He even let the others take him. Of course not for very long but it was something!

We came home and had a great dinner and then did NOTHING! Ty was exhausted and he was starting to get a little sick of the newness and scary new people but he had such a good time with Koy and Kayden. I can't believe how grown up Lexi is. She is definitely not a baby any more.

Pictures will be coming.

Tomorrow we are heading up to see the rest of the family and to get our consult. Sure missed Morgan and Max today!

1 comment:

Holly Steffen said...

glad you're having a good time!