Monday, January 12, 2009

The Aquarium and other random doings

Part 2 of our trip is up here in Salt Lake visiting with Dallas' family and then our trip up to Shriners tomorrow. Last night we got Dallas from the airport and stayed the night at his parents house.

Today we went to the aquarium. We had a great time and Ty was able to see and touch new and interesting things. He was such a good kid and was able to touch a star fish. He played in the water with the sting rays but was not able to get all the way down to touch them. But he still had a good time in the water.

The aquarium

We also had Dallas birthday dinner at his favorite restaurant here in Salt Lake. We had a few friends that couldn't make it but were so SO happy that Erin was able to come. It was the first time we had met little Issac and it was great to see her there. Her and her husband are seriously some of the most amazing people I have ever met. They are the most selfless and honest and most sincere people. I truly appreciate her and her friendship and am so excited for them to have a new baby.

Dallas and his sisters
Tyler and Issac. If we lived close by I KNOW they would be best Buds!
How much trouble could they really get in.. Can you only imagine!?
Erin and Issac
The crew
Tomorrow is a big day for us. I am anxious, nervous and excited to see what we can do for Tyler. I hope that he understands that we are doing it for him and that we just want him to be the best Tyler and prevent any other things from happening.


Holly Steffen said...

good luck hun <3

Unknown said...

I LOVE the picture of him looking at the Nemo fish. Best of luck!!!

Grandma Labrum said...

Call me when you know what is happening!

Nicky said...

good luck with everything.. Let me know whats going on! (or I will get the info from mom!) :) Looks like he had fun at the aquarium

Amber said...

I am so glad you are haveing a wonderful trip!!! I pray all will go well at ty's doctor appointments.

Unknown said...

What a story you have! It was great to meet you on twitter. I think it's awesome you're blogging your journey.

We're thinking about going to Salt Lake for our summer vacation. It looks like you guys had a blast!

Erin said...

Just catching up on blog reading and saw these awesome pictures! It was so great to see you guys! Bryce was sad he missed it but happy to hear how great Tyler was doing. We just adore that little guy. He is truly a reflection of his parents love.