Tuesday, December 30, 2008


1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Amy Tagged me and so I thought I would actually do it. I have another one from April that I was tagged for that I will have to get to as well.

1. I don't "Do" crafts. Never have. Except Lately I have been trying my hand at them and not doing to bad of a job. In fact I kind of like them. I am not great at them but I have enjoyed trying out new things to see if they look ok.

2. I have fallen in Love with photography. Since getting Ty's NICU photos done by Angie and Amy I have longed for a nice camera. Since getting one I have found that it isn't the camera ( always) and that I have really enjoyed taking them. Lucky for me Ty is a cute subject. You can see it here!

3. I am a book worm. I LOVE books. I don't have just one author. I just pick one and read. Then I Read that one for a while till someone else suggests something else. I can't help it. I like books!

4. I have more patience than I EVER imagined and I am sure most can believe. I am pretty proud of how much I have with Tyler. He is a great kid and I have to sit back and remember that he is little and can't express himself so I need to love him and try and understand him.

5. I blog stalk. I love reading about others. Sometimes I wonder who is out there reading mine. Guess I will never know!

6. I love figuring out gifts for people. I like them to be thoughtful and just right for that person. Sometimes people get gift cards but mostly I try super hard to find something just for them.

7. I LOVE LOVE shrimp scampi. I think it is an unnatural love. I can't even describe my love for it. On all you can eat shrimp night at red lobster I order something else and then ONLY shrimp scampi because I don't want others to think I am weird! BUT I do share with Tyler.

Ok I am tagging April, Michelle, Jenn K, and Jennifer T., Tammy and Nicky and Chantel

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