Sunday, November 16, 2008

Walmart Weekend

I am SOOO tired of walmart! I use to like going in and shopping there. I would only go for groceries and would spend TONS of time going and browsing. I loved looking at all the stuff, I would love seeing all the new decorations and the makeup was always fun to look at. Now.. Nope!

I have LONG shifts on the weekend. I work between 5 and 9 hours and by the end of the day I wish people would not come in any more! The worst is that now that Halloween is over and Christmas started BEFORE that people are not in happy moods. In fact they are down right rude. The spirit of thankfulness and giving are gone especially when everyone sees ALL the cash registers that walmart has and only 2 open.

I get that everyone is thinking " Yeah, I want to know why there is no one opening them?" I will tell you why. THERE IS NO ONE WORKING AT THE WALMART ON SUNDAY NIGHT. I wish I was kidding but I am not. After 7 I was left with 2 cashiers. I was alone and no manager was answering to get me more help. When they did... there was not a soul in the store!

Regardless, a lot of things have happened this weekend that makes me so glad to have my life and to be more than grateful to have my trials and my weaknesses and my family.

Friday I went to exchange Tyler's crib. There were 2 people there who had driven from Tennesse and they had no place to stay and were sleeping in their car. The girl was pregnant. They wanted to know if they parked in our parking lot if they would be kicked out.

I called a few shelters and a few pregnancy crisis places. But in Arizona you can only have a crisis M-f 9-5. Not kidding. I didn't see them on saturday. Today they were there. They were still in their car. The pregnant girl had not eaten in days. I felt so bad.

A member of managment gave her some money but I felt really bad. But it made me even more greatful for a job and for a family and for others who love me that would never let me be alone.

1 comment:

Holly Steffen said...

aw, that's really sad. i hate seeing things like that.