On October 12th I was given an amazing memory. I was able to hold my sweet little baby for the first time. Given all that he had already been through and all that was beginning to happen and all the unknown to sit there and hold my sweet little boy was more than what I needed at the time.
The day before we were all ready to hold him but we were ushered out because another baby was coming in. We were already to do it and they wouldn't let me. I was so upset. With all the NICU hormones and all the pregnant hormones I started to cry. I ran out of the NICU in tears. I was so angry that I couldn't hold my baby.
The next day we came in and we were moved out of our spot and 2 more babies came in. The one from the night that I couldn't hold him and another baby. So here we were waiting to hold him.
The nurse and respiratory therapist were a little apprehensive to let us hold him because he was still on a vent. They had to bag him because he needed to be off his vent. We got all set up and we they put him in my arms. It was amazing.
He loved it and he did really well. They had to keep him warm by warm blankets. Dallas and I both got to hold him. We weren't sure when we would get to do it again.
That day is a day that I close my eyes and remember EVERYTHING that happened that night. Everything I felt and everything ounce of love that I felt that day with that one pound bundle in my arms.
Awww your post has bought tears to my eyes, I remember those feelings so well from my own son.
Those wonderful first cuddles, there were more tubes and wires than there was baby, but to feel that closeness for the first time after waiting patiently for so so long, is a feeling that nothing on earth can compare to.
did YOU have to put a pillow under him?
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