Surgery went well and I am home. I feel so much better physically than I thought I would. So here is the run down..
Wednesday night I went to work and felt miserable. I felt better than I did the night before ( read below) and so I was glad to feel remotely better. Work was work. I hate when there are mean people complaining about dumb things.. Any way, I was the door greeter for several hours so I was able to sit down. I had to start fasting at midnight so I took my lunch right before. It's funny that when you aren't told to fast you don't feel hungry. When you are told not to eat you are starving. I went home at 2.
At home I watched my DVR shows .. and of course was so anxious I couldn't sleep. Anxiety sucks sometimes. I was exhausted come time for my surgery. We were a few minutes late getting there but was able to get right back. They wouldn't let Dallas come back while I got my IV and stuff but he came back as soon as he could. I started crying ( I am such a boob) I guess the waiting was getting to me.
I got some meds for anxiety and then they sent me on my way back to surgery. The last thing I remember was getting on to the bed and don't even remember counting backwards. I was already asleep.
Surgery went well and I didn't have to have my C-section reopened but I also didn't have any endometriosis to be taken out either. I did have lots of adhesion's, or scar tissue from my c-section and from past endometriosis removal. It was making some body parts stick together.
After surgery and I woke up I was crying and asking for Dallas. They gave some pain meds and as I woke up they said they would go get Dallas when I was moved to another room. Well my nurse got busy and I was sitting there watching the clock for over an hour before they finally took me to the other room where I got up ( by myself) and went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. I walked out and there was Dallas. I started to cry again and they gave us some home instructions and off we went. We stopped at Walmart and got my meds. ( Cheaper to go there when half the meds are only 4 bucks) I had to go potty so I got on the motorized carts and whizzed my self over to the potty. ( we had to cash my check to.. so we were busy there) Dallas went to get the small amounts of groceries we needed and we were off.
I got home and decided a nap was good. I laid down for a nap and never heard a word from Ty or Dallas or our respite worker. I got up at about 5 and came out to the front room and Dallas and Ty had gotten me flowers and dinner was ready. I felt great and we sat outside for a bit while Ty played. ( the weather the last few days has been great.) I helped give Ty a bath and then he went to sleep. Dallas and I sat and talked and just cuddled last night. I LOVE spending time with him.
The last 2 times we have gone out ( valentines and Yesterday) two people have asked us if we were newly weds and how cute we were that we loved each other. I wonder how many people act so mean to their hubby's . I just thought we were "normal"!!
So that is the story from yesterday. Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers. I was so glad to not have to have my section opened. That was a mess... I feel better than I did but today I am sore and almost ready for a nap.
I am going to go love on Ty and head to bed..
I'm so happy that everything went well and they didnt have to open up your c-section that would of sucked butt. I hope you have fast painless recovery
I know I'm extra emotional right now anyway, but I love when you talk about Dallas and the nice things he does.
Now, my poor roommate at PCMC is wondering why the girl on the laptop is crying! :)
I'm so very happy things went smoothly for you! You SO deserve it Nancy! I don't know what it was, but when you wrote about how you woke up to flowers from your sweet hubby and a yummy dinner made by him, it brought tears to my eyes. It just makes me so happy to see how much your hubby loves you and is giving you all the love we all want to show you!! We're SO lucky to have amazing husbands!! I just read that Leeann cried too, so now I don't feel so bad :) Hope you got a good nap today! :)
I so need to start checking in on you guys more often, glad that your surgery went well, hope you are recovering nicely..your blog looks great, love the change!!!
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