Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Interested? Or mean? That is the question?

There is a fine line between being interested in someones life and a consuming "meanness" with someones life. At this particular time I have found that there are a few readers that are "interested" but also border "meanness."

For that reason, I am taking a break for a while OR making Ty's life private.

The journey that we have had is not an easy one. People who have no idea what life was like for us and have no idea what life is still like for us are making comments around the web that are hurtful and not needed.

Because I make Ty's world ( and he is OUR world) I don't think that people who can't respect me, my son or what I have become and what changes we have made( and recognize that changes have been made) and continue to border the meaness part of blogging leave me no choice but to go private or make changes.

So get all the Tyler that you can. The decision will be made in the next few days. ( I know who visits... I do have a sitemeter.)

If you would like an invite to my private blog please send them to me at:

nancy@port21.com or my gmail account.

I don't receive ANY other messages at any other email.


Anonymous said...

Just happened by and wanted to say that your little one is just perfect.

My grandsons were 27 weekers and run rings around everyone now, at 2years, 8 months.

God fashions these miracle babies in His image, so they are all perfect!

BTW, the Santa pictures are my favorite! :)

Anonymous said...

I totally understand going private and protecting your son .... I would do the same for Riley ... I love Ty's pictures and reading about how he is doing. give him lots of hugs for me I miss you guys .....

Kellars Mommy said...

Well I hate to see you go private, I guess I don't understand being that I have never had anyone leave negative things on Kellars site, thank goodness!!!! If you give invites I'd love to have one..