Last year we were home bound and didn't want to go and expose Ty to germs. But the little suit.. it didn't go to waste. It belongs on his bear. The bear we used to track his growth. Yes, the Build a Bear one.
The Bear when he was first born...

And now look at him. All grown up!!
So this year rolls around and Santa came to visit at Ty's school. I thought it would be a perfect time to catch some nice photos to show grandma. Yeah, Him and Santa, they are NOT friends.
perfect pout!! Merry Christmas to you too
Precious! My preemies don't care for Santa, either...
Merry Christmas
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww... What a miracle, indeed! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
>My WW
They do grow fast even when they start out early. I'm so happy to meet you and so glad to see your little boy. Merry Christmas to you and Happy WW! Thanks for visiting A Mother's Minute!
HOW CUTE!!!! Ty looks so grown up! He is crying because he knows that santa is not his "special santa"
I love you TY TY!! Aunt Nicky ALWAYS loves you Ty Ty
Great series of pictures and priceless memories -wow he was tiny .I am so glad to see a micropremmie doing so well.
My daughter was very tiny too (stillborn 26wks)
I am not sure how my twins will go this year with the man in the red suit.Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday season to you.
Oh my gosh, touching pictures. You are lucky to have him every day (I know you know this!) Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing! ;'D
Mine is up @ http://projectmommy.wordpress.com
I love that you changed it to Word"full" Wed. I enjoyed reading the commentary. Truly a miracle you have there. Blessings to your family.
Those photos are priceless!!! He's grown up now and soo cute:)
Here's mine for today!
Yen's Wordless
Happy Holidays!!!
Awww....bless his little heart. He will learn to love Santa I'm sure. That first photo is sweet beyond words...so priceless.
Happy WW!
He'll eventually grow out of that phase. But wow he's grown and is a cutie!
Come visit my Wordless Wednesday if you get a moment! :)
aww he was such an itty bitty guy! good to see him looking so strong and healthy now :)
Awww...so amazing to see your little one's progress! Happy WW!
Ha! he has certainly come a long way. It truly is amazing...
SO precious!
I love the picture! and the santa suit is adorable...
My preemie was only curious about santa (he was only 5 weeks early)...and this year gave him a very odd look, but no crying. I think he was more curious about why he was sitting on a strangers knee!
gorgeous photos, thanks for sharing.
Mine is up at 4Seasonsofmylife. Hope you can visit me too.
I've decided that parents are crazy people. We do the "I TOLD YOU TO STOP YELLING!" thing, where we yell at our kids to stop yelling. Then, we slap our kids hands and tell them it's not nice to hit. Then, we tell them to never talk to strangers...and we plunk them down on a scary looking man, with a stinky beard and have this man hold them down, so we can get a picture.
Mine turned out just like this.
Gotta love it! :)
Seems he liked Santa a lot more the first year. :)
That is so stinkin cute!
Awwww he and Kellar sort of had the same reaction...
Don't worry Ty, the man in the red suit will still bring you lots of fun stuff.
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