What a wonderful Christmas this year!! Ty is still young enough that he doesn't get over excited that there are presents under the tree but we had a good time watching him open the presents and throw the paper!!
I had all the presents wrapped by Sunday so no major running around trying to get it done. I have been working on Grandma Warners present so I did a little more on that and then wrapped it.
On Christmas Eve Ty got the traditional Pj's and was bathed and ready to sleep in them. Christmas Day started EARLY because Ty gets up early. He watched Barney and I slept till about 8. I picked up and started breakfast. The Browns ALWAYS cook breakfast on Christmas morning. Grandma and Grandpa Warner came up from Florence and ate breakfast with us and right after Ty opened his presents.
John Deere was a favorite theme for Ty. He got a bunch of new trucks and tractors and a LOVELY John Deere case to put them in and a John Deere blanket. He got books, clothes and puzzles. He even got 2 Barneys, one that sings and one that DOESN'T ( thank you Aunt Crystal) He got a few things that we will be using for his therapy this next year and overall he is overwhelmed with plenty of new things to play with. And Grandpa, he LOVES the John Deere Tractors. I guess Green runs really deep here!!
I do have to say that I am so glad that Children's place makes those pants with adjustable waist band. Ty is so skinny that he doesn't fit in the right size but length wise he needs them big. Poor kid, always has plumber butt. But thanks to the adjustable waist he is good!!
Dallas got a few techy things, clothes and flip flops. Yep in the dead of winter we bought flip flops!!! ( gotta love Arizona!!)
I got clothes and a scrapbook kit. I decided I wanted to learn. I am sure I won't be to good at first but now that I have respite I can hear the scrapbook store calling my name for their classes. I got one surprise.... 90210 third season. Santa left in Dallas car. It was so sweet. For those that know him well he went out on Christmas Eve day shopping for groceries and battled Walmart AND Target to find it for me. How sweet.
The best present to each other was our new video camera. It is a great. It captured Ty walking outside AND falling flat on his face. He is such a cute kid. The tears didn't last long and he was on his way again.
Thank you for all the wonderful gifts from family this year. We had the best Christmas and we enjoyed all of it. Special thanks to Grandma and grandpa Warner for coming up and enjoying a little bit of it with us. If they didn't have so much fun in Florence I am sure Grandma would have loved to stay all day!!
Merry Christmas!! We will have to see if we can post some video later on!!
Aunt Nicky's present still hasn't been sent yet.. I know I'm such a slacker! :) JUST WAIT! I know he'll love it! I'm glad he had fun.. John Deere sure runs deep in the Labrum family! Can't go a holiday with the GREEN! :) MERRY CHRISTMAS! I miss you guys!
Merry Christmas to you as well! Glad that you had such a wonderful day!
(And...Old Navy has those fabulous pants, too. Why is it that kid's clothes are made with such BIG waists and adults clothes seem to be made so SMALL?) LOL
Sounds like Santa was very good to Ty..The John Deere stuff for little ones is so cute..Our house is covered in Elmo...Elmo...Elmo...Everywhere you look there's Elmo..Santa did manage to find a Blues Clues toy though..Baby Gap also has pants w/adjustable waist as well as Crazy8...
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