He started as a 25 weeker. 1 LB. 11 oz little boy. He came home a HUGE 5 lb 11 oz.
He had a 93 day hospital stay. He was on a ventilator for 63 days.
He endured Open heart surgery to repair his PDA at 3 days, placement of his reservoir in his brain at a month old, ROP surgery when he was 2 and a half months. He had one seizure following brain surgery, Chronic lung disease in which he came home on oxygen and grade 3 and 4 brain bleeds.
He came home as a 39 week 6 day baby.
That day in 2005 is a day I will NEVER forget and it will forever be an important day to me. It is a day that my baby became mine. Not a nurses. He was my responsibility.
Now at adjusted 2 years old he is amazing. He is 26 pounds. He wears glasses, has a shunt, wears afo's and uses a walker. He has had 2 skull reconstructions and a shunt revision.
He is a happy healthy 2 year old. He loves singing, dancing and Barney. He smiles all the time. Says I love you, signs a few words and is overall a happy little kid.
When I look at him I am reminded of how lucky we are. I am reminded that there is a bigger plan and purpose in life. I am reminded that although life is hard, it is worth it.
So... Happy would have should birthday to Tyler.
Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present!!!!
Happy "would have should have" birthday, little man. You are a blessing to all those who come in contact with you or your parents.
Wow- what memories. This time of year will never be the same to me thanks to that one Christmas at Primary's. Now, almost all christmas songs make me sad and lonely because that is all they played in that pump room. This was a hard day for us. As happy as I was that Ty got to go home, I was so sad to see you guys go. I was really scared to be "alone" in the NICU.
What an amazing blessing to have Ty home now. I know you know that the way that I do...
I loved this video. The pictures of Dallas with Tyler just melt my heart. There is something about the love that dad's have in their eyes! You two are amazing parents. I could never have endured what you have. You know that I have always thought that Tyler is an angel...he really is...and he is so dang cute!!!
We missed you three last night:(
Every time I see a montage I tear up! Ty is growing up! :)
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